Phasma/Bala/Trooper - FFG Worlds 2nd Place

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State of the Worlds Decklist Example: Phasma/Bala/Trooper 11 8 2 1.0
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Tacster 683

This is the deck I brought to the FFG worlds 2017 and achieved 2nd place.

Match Breakdown: In the first day swiss rounds, I went 5-1. I won vs 2 Han/Rey, a Jabba/Dooku, a Hyperloop, and a Jango/eBala/Trooper deck (Rick from KoR). My one loss was to a Han/Rey deck.

For day 2 swiss rounds, I went 2-1. First match was a mirror, 2nd was a loss to a more consistent build of Poe/Rey, and last was a very close win against Vader/Raider.

For the top 16 round I went 2-0 vs Jabba/Dooku as a heavy control/mill variant. Having been able to see decklists at this point I was able to maneuver around his two dodges and get small damage in

For the top 8 round I went 2-0 as a rematch vs the Han/Rey that beat me day 1. Got a lot of damage out early both games and was able to outpace him with my upgrades and damage. I belive I killed rey first both of these games.

For the top 4 round I went 2-0 and faced another rematch vs Zach from Team Covenant which also was a rematch from day one. That one was streamed on twitch.

For the finals I lost 0-2 to the Cheerios Vader deck played by 4 different people from the same game store. This was also streamed on twitch, and I plan on making a video breakdown of my thought process these games as they went very poorly for me.

Overall at worlds the deck record was 13-4 (13-2 before the finals). As per indivudual matchups: 1-0 vs Hyperloop 6-1 vs Han/Rey 3-0 vs Jabba/Dooku (2 games were mill, 1 was more damage focused) 1-0 vs Jango/Bala/Trooper 1-0 vs Phasma/Bala/Trooper 0-1 vs Poe/Rey 1-2 vs Vader/Raider

Other thoughts: during the whole of worlds I never actually used my 1 disarm and people tended to kill bala last (which is probably smart). I would have been better off with a 2nd electroshock instead of this, but it didn't make or break a single game.

Commanding Presence I only use once on a game where I was already ahead and it did not make a huge difference. Often times I would pull it first turn post mulligan and not be able to use it so would pitch for reroll or at end of round. Even late game I often found that I needed even that one resource for overriding to use on other removal and such in my hand over that card. It might have been better if this card were Reversal instead.

13 hozzászólás

whozeppelin224 15

Congrats on your placing in Worlds! Well done.

badeesh 56

Great result, well played.

Enfantterrible 171

What are your thoughts on this deck in the SoR meta? And congrats with the!

palpster 8

Congrats on your second place. I was hoping you'd take it since I've been running almost the exact same deck for a while now and generally feel this deck has a favorable matchup against Vader/Raider. Interested to hear your thoughts in the video you mentioned. Again, congrats on your performance and second place finish.

Tacster 683

@Enfantterrible I am going to do what I can to make something competitive in SoR with this deck But have not made much attempts yet. Step 1 is replace Bala-Tik - Gang Leader with Guavian Enforcer. Step 2 is to find a spot for Z6 Riot Control Baton because I think this card is amazing for every red villian deck. Lots of other great events but most come at the expense of removal.

CBMarkham 371

Congratulations on your amazing run at Worlds. With respect to this deck in SoR, you might consider Salvage Stand and Imperial Discipline. I think Imp. Disc. is "meh" in general, but for a 1 resource cost, it really makes Phasma's dice way more reliable for pumping out the damage. I'm not 100% sure that changing Bala to enforcer is correct, as you lose a great ability and an overall better die for 1HP and an additional guardian character, but it's certainly worth testing. Also, I like Aftermath over Logistics, because even though it takes awhile to get rolling, it's not dependent on what you roll, and it'll usually yield 2-3 resource by the end of a game, which is a huge value for a 0 cost card. Just my $0.02. Anywho, congratulations again.

Tacster 683

@CBMarkham with a non elite Bala it can be really hit or miss, especially if you finish off a character near the end of a turn without many opportunities for rerolls. Almost all of the top players were killing off Phasma 2nd as well which leads me to believe that more guardian is better. I think ultimately a lot will come down to the new meta as well since more 3+ character decks makes bala more attractive. Will probably try replacing promotion with Imperial discipline.

RjFx4 76

Nice job with the 2nd place at worlds! I have a brother who is struggling to build a good deck, and i showed him this and he got some pretty good ideas. He says thanks. We watched you on twitch and every match you played was so interesting we couldn't even move. I just think this deck is the best one ever and it just got a little unlucky against that Vader/Raider.

m4lk4v00 14

Hey @Tacstercongrats for the 2nd place! Want to know your comentary on the match against Vader/Raider on the finals, cause I was strugling for you watching it.

How the The Best Defense... worked for you? I only run one in my ePhasma/Bala/Trooper deck, cause I was discarding it too much for reroll...

And, did you ever tried to run a Endless Ranks for bring back the trooper?

JuarezLM 2

Congrats on your great showing at Worlds! I just watched the game agains Zach Bunn and decided to try looking for the list here. :)

I'm actually running a very similar version of Phasma/Bala/Trooper, preparing for the top 8 games of a league at my LGS that has been going on since Awakenings was released and it's about to be concluded.

Anyway, @Tacster, I'd like to ask your thoughts on the deck in hindsight. Especially how that Dodge turned out and why you chose 2 Promotions and 1 On The Hunt.

Personally, after some playtesting, I dropped All In because for me Tactical Mastery has been enough to catch my opponents off guard resolving and with no change for removal.

I also have 2 Disarms just because I want to get it early game. I'll usually pitch the second for a reroll.

I don't run Dodge because I feel I already have enough removal that doesn't cost me 2 and often times just removing a base damage will do it. I run 2 Electroshocks, by the way. And only one The Best Defense....

I'm also currently testing 2 Probes and they're turning out pretty good when played with good timing (usuallly that's just when your opponent is waiting to control your dice).

And I've went back and forth about which one I want as a 2-of: Promotion or On The Hunt. Currently I'm leaning towards Promotion because it helps me build up faster and bring more to the table. On The Hunt feels more situational, great against shield-heavy decks (and has some paid removal), but I'm liking the ways Promotion helps me dig through the deck faster and have more rerolls/.

It's a wall of text, I know (sorry!), but if you got here, any comments would be great appreciated. :)

Tacster 683

@m4lk4v00 The best defense has worked beautifully and I am extremely pleased with having had 2 in the deck. People really learned to kill trooper first and even being able to split a few damage onto phasma (especially if you have shields) is really nice to keep trooper alive a bit longer. Never really tried endless ranks, but honestly I am so strapped for resources most games that I can't really afford it. If I could only afford Commadning presence for a single game theres no way my deck could afford endless ranks.

Tacster 683

@JuarezLM Dodge was exceptional. I played mostly ranked decks and I got several good Dodges off. I have not used On The Hunt in a long time because its such a low impact card in certain matchups. Often times I want to spend resources on other upgrades that I don't have spare to use the card for removal and without removal or shields its just a bad die. Knowing lots of shields would be around at worlds I knew I needed to have 1 copy and it worked out wonderfully for that. As for promotion, it's a great upgrade and has 4 useful sides. That extra chance at focus, extra resources or shields are not to be scoffed at. Drawing extra card is also really useful against Darth Vader - Sith Lord on early turns too. All In is actually hard to find use of lots of games because tactical mastery is often jut better. But with a one off I think it works fine and I got a few sick plays with it throughout the tournament. Probe is an awesome card that is insanely annoying to play against, I could not really bring myself to remove other removal or upgrades to fit in in though. Its also a card that gets better the more you know the playstyle of your opponent and what they are likely to hold onto.

JeffVader 1

Congrats on your second. Just like Palpster I've played this deck for some time and can understand why you took it to Worlds!