5-1 Origins Standard Aggro Indirect

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mykelen 118

When FFG released their most recent update, I was super excited to see that Aayla was back to her printed cost. She was always my favorite Jedi (gee, I wonder why?), and her card had been a power character for me, winning me many a game in the past. I'd been struggling to find a good, aggro, competitive deck pretty much since Convergence was released, so I started looking for viable pairings with her. When I realized the destruction she could rain down with Padme, I knew that was the one. Keen eyes will notice that I could have paired these two before the reset, but Aayla had been out of the public eye for a while, and I hadn't given her much thought. Regardless, I was ready to test. My friend Andrew, a top tier player who consistently wins big tournaments (or at least gets top 4), loved the concept and execution. Originally, I tried to make this as fast and heavy as I could, but he reminded me to just go slow and steady. As for the Origins tournament itself, I can't remember all my opponent's and what decks they were using. I will say that my dice loved me, and rolled awesome. I had the right removal almost 95% of the time, and managed to read the board and get Target Acquired down on the right characters every time. Then, the final match-up, against a cat named Jack. Jack had a Yoda/Leia deck, and seemed to have the right cards all the time. My dice took a dump on me and felt like giving me blanks as much as possible, and my removal didn't help as much as I would have liked. Still, it was a fun game, and lasted much longer than I expected it to. All in all, it was a fun tournament and I had a great time with this deck. Not many people were expecting it, and I think we can all agree that Target Acquired is vicious when you have 10 total indirect showing.

7 hozzászólás

chazz 157

In general this seems like one of the best options against mill in the current meta

lij_xo 252

Love to see Padme2 decks do well, she's such a great character. Have you had any trouble with the starship getting discarded? It seems like the deck gets taken down quite a notch if you come up against Vandalize.

mykelen 118

@lij_xo I never ran into Vandalize, but once during testing I got caught with Sebulba Always Wins. It hurt but I dealt with it. For the most part, there's enough removal and healing in the deck to deal with it, but I wasn't too worried about that. It worked out, but maybe against someone else, it wouldn't...

helikaon 34

Have you messed with the Yoda variant at all? Early on in the convergence release I had Yoda/Padme do some good work. I'm just curious how it stacks up if you tested it out at all. My only testing was in a local that doesn't always follow the meta. Although it handled Palp/Watto and Vader easily enough (not the biggest threats out there).

MaimVoorhees 99

I assume the early play is to use Armored Reinforcement to pull Padmé Amidala's Royal Starship then flood the pool with focus sides? What do you mulligan for? I love this deck idea.

mykelen 118

@MaimVoorhees The very first thing you do, no matter what, is AR for the Starship. You want as much focus, but keep in mind focus can, well, focus. I try to get the Starship onto the 2 Resource side. Mostly you want to activate Aayla first, not only to draw attention away from the indirect, but also to get at least 1 damage on the focal enemy character. Hard mill for Target Acquired EVERY TIME without question. You need one measly damage on a character to get it into play, so even if you have to hold it, at least you have it. This is fun, but take your time! I usually go way too fast, and that can mess up a lot of stuff! If you get your battlefield, try to use it's PA as defense, unless you have no choice. Good luck!

Buffybot 323

I wish I'd played against this deck, would have been fun! A couple of questions: did you consider Mortar Team, and how useful were your Bubble Shields?