Efficient Droids

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Separatist Speed 1 1 0 1.0

adran06 254

Mulligan Priority

1) Command Bridge

2) Aftermath

3) Attrition

The goal of this deck is to maximize speed. This means you are focused not on "buffing" with a bunch of upgrades that you'll lose anyway, or a bunch of Action-hungry Supports, but just purely on the Droids themselves. Everything is built to take advantage of that.

Hopefully you're also getting the Battlefield, and using it to reduce the damage you're taking.

Your ace cards are: Nowhere to Run; Scorched Earth; Strength in Numbers; Squad Tactics; Target Practice. Using these cards, you SHOULD be able to increase the effectiveness of the 5 Droids by a lot. Moreso if you have the Supports out.

5 hozzászólás

CushionRide 101

im not sure why you need command bridge, is it to insure you have a better chance to activate all your droids on rolls? would using a card like All In be effective? i mean if you are able to activate all your droids then maybe using all their dice in one shot may be an idea?

adran06 254

Command Bridge can activate 2 for the price of 1. If both of them roll , a 50% chance for each of them, I instantly activate 2 more, which pretty much guarantees I activate all of them with 1 action, a HUGE increase in speed for 5 characters.

All In only really helps in a deck that has a bunch of different symbols. I only have 2, so at worst it takes me 2 actions to resolve my dice.

CushionRide 101

yea sad thing is i realized that after i posted it lol

John Solo 2

I like this, but the only issue I have is that you don't have a bunch of high cost cards... so you are not spending a lot of resources. I, personally, would remove 1 Defend, 1 Dive, and maybe 1 of 2 other cards to get MAYBE 1 endless ranks/Sep Ship, Ground Battalion, or Lookout post in there.

Looks like you have the speed in the deck down for activating 5 characters, but max damage, being almost impossible to get with all the removal, is 10 indirect. Ground Battalion could add another 4 and 3 for Lookout. This would boost your damage output and make some good use of the resources that this deck would put out. But these are just my personal choices to enhance survivability and Damage output.

adran06 254

There are no high-cost cards because there is no way to PLAY high-cost cards. I will never get 5 resources. Ever. My resources will be spend just playing what I DO have, and then be starved. As it stands, the deck is capable of playing the full hand on average every turn. This means a LOT if dice removal/manipulation and the occasional damage card can be played each turn. This is pretty much the only way to get survivability in Droids.

Separatist Landing Craft is worthless 90% of the time if you want it for the Special, and only mediocre for any other reason.

I didn't include Ground Battalion or Lookout Post because they take Actions. As it stands, I will act before my opponent, their damage will be spread out among all my characters, and I SHOULD be able to act fast enough to keep up with our outpace my opponents. In theory at least.