Starkiller Base - eUnkar FO FN SC Winner 26 Players

Kártyahúzás szimulátor
Esély: 0% – 0% tovább
eUnkarr, FN, Trooper - European Championships 1st Place 92 70 25 1.0
eUnkar/FN/FOS Tourney Deck 1 1 0 1.0
eUnkar FO FN - Store Championship winning deck 2 2 0 1.0
Funkar in Complete Control (Competitive) 0 0 0 1.0
Two Trooper Portions 0 0 0 1.0

JohnGobeilSKB 614

Hey all,

John here from Starkiller Base on Youtube :) It looks like I managed to go 2 for 2 on SCs this season! I won the last SC with Poe Maz, but wanted to try a different deck for my 2nd SC. I enjoy challenging myself and trying to win with multiple decks, rather than just keep playing the same deck over again. Also, you know, Poe Maz :P

This deck is very similar to the list we saw published that won Europeans with one small change, I removed Electroshock in favour of Flank. My rationale was that in some games Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer dies first, causing Electroshock to be a dead card. On top of that, it doesn't remove all dice, only those with a value of 2 or less. In a deck where you have 3 characters, but also spend a lot of actions playing out upgrades on FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper instead of rolling in, chances are that Flank would be online often.

I've heard a lot of people say that this deck is very hard to pilot and in some ways that is true. It's more complicated than Poe Maz for sure, and with the effectiveness of overwriting weapons rather than simply saving up to play another one, there's a lot of decision points to make.

For most matchups, you should try to mulligan for Imperial Inspection, particularly against decks like Vader Raider, Quigon Rey and Palpatine where you know they'll be running lots of cheap upgrades. Friends in Low Places is a nice opener, and if you're playing against a deck that has strong character dice like Luke, Vader or Palpatine, The Best Defense... can blow out an entire turn. As far as keeping weapons in your starting hand, half the deck is weapons, so I was pretty sure that when I dumped cards I'd draw at least one back up again and be fine.

Obviously you put out all of your upgrades on FN-2199 so you can roll them in and get extra uses out of them, but there's a lot more finesse than it sounds. Do you have a He Doesn't Like You in hand, a nasty die on the opponent's board but you have no dice in? Put down one of the ambush upgrades, roll the die in with FN's ability, and with your ambush action, play He Doesn't Like You to remove the die. Are you playing against a deck with Deflect? Did you even see it in his hand when you played Friends in Low places? Overwrite that Rocket Launcher with a Z6 Riot Control Baton instead. Sometimes you need to switch gears and go full into melee damage because you need to spend less time resolving two damage types. Other times you need to do it to take advantage of Vibroknife getting past those shields and Force Illusions.

Friends in Low places has some great synergy with Unkar's ability since you're not only able to keep track of what your opponent has left in his hand, but you get to remove something cheap, causing you to have a better chance of hitting something that will net you a lot of resources.

As far as Imperial Inspection goes, it is definitely a powerful card, unless you whiff 4 turns in a row like I did one game! The timing of the trigger requires some thought. Rolling in Unkar first action is generally not a good choice, particularly when your opponent has resources left to spend. On the other hand, if you have Salvage Stand out, maybe you do it to remove a resource and choke your opponent, then threaten some disrupt with the other die. Unkar's disrupt sides should not be overlooked! If your opponent has a Sith Holocron out on someone that hasn't rolled in yet, don't roll in Unkar until after they've rolled in. There's no point in Inspecting the Holocron back to their hand only to have them play it out again the next action. Sure, it slows them down, but when you Inspect an upgrade after it's been rolled in, it functions as die control as well. If you don't have die control in your hand and one of the dangerous dice across from you comes from a 2 cost upgrade, sometimes just rolling in Unkar or rerolling his dice if they're already in the pool (it can be worth it even if his sides are already good) can fix your problem.

Unkar's ability is another amazing aspect of the deck. Anytime you have 3 value worth of dice on the table you'll see your opponent do things similar to when you have a Kylo Ren - Vader's Disciple special sitting out there. They start discarding expensive cards to reroll because they don't want you to hit them. Palpatine discarded both Rise Again in one game because I was choking him and he knew he'd never get a chance to actually play them. If you roll in a weapon die that you can't resolve, it becomes a great target as part of Unkar's ability. If your opponent has no resources use those disrupt sides to pay for Unkar's ability. If you have modified sides left over but no chance of connecting them, use Unkar's ability! It really is thematic in that he's taking your "junk" and turning it into something useful.

The biggest strength of the deck is that there's not really a good character to kill first. If it has Imperial Inspection out and a lot of your upgrades cost 2 or less, then Unkar is a good choice. By the time he dies, though, FN may already be fully upgraded and ready to rock. He can use the 2 resources he gets per turn to pay for the nasty dice he has. If you choose to kill FN first, Unkar's ability will make so much money that he can pay for a lot of upgrades on FN to do as much damage as possible, then switch them out for upgrades that have Redeploy and move them to Unkar. I've seen an angry, Z6-wielding Junk Dealer take out quite a few Jedi!

I will admit, overwriting weapons with ambush, rolling dice in, resolving them, overwriting another weapon and repeating does make me feel kind of dirty. It has a similar feeling to playing Poe Maz in the sense that your opponent basically just needs to sit there until you're done before taking their action, but that seems to be the direction that Destiny is going in Spirit of the Rebellion. Make peace with it, know that your opponents will be doing the same, and use it to your advantage to win some tournaments :)

Quick tourney report:

We played 5 rounds of swiss with a top 8 cut that was single elimination. I went 4-1 during the swiss and finished 5th overall (thank goodness for a top 8 cut!). My only loss was to a player playing Palpatine, who was undefeated when we met again in the finals. I managed to win our best of one match and took down the tournament.

The tournament was streamed by VTTV Live on Youtube and I also recorded 8 matches for Starkiller Base, our coverage of the tourney will be starting later this week. I don't want to give away too much in the tourney report so as to keep the outcome of the games interesting when we post them.

Thanks for reading my writeup, and be sure to check out Starkiller Base on Youtube and Facebook for some great Destiny content :)

15 hozzászólás

Tybrid 922

So how would you feel about 2x F-11D Rifle instead of Gaffi Stick?

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@Tybrid I think it could be swapped in rather easily. They both have Redeploy, which is one of the reasons they're in the deck in the first place.

The advantages of Gaffi Stick are that it has a disrupt side, which allows you to continue to trigger Imperial Inspection when Unkar has died, and also that it helps keep the majority of the damage in the deck melee. It gives you more shield penetration when the Vibroknife is out and it speeds up the deck somewhat since the damage is less mixed. Also, if you have a melee side you can't resolve (no money for a pay side, or a +side), the special on the Gaffi Stick can take care of that. Of course, you could always use that same die to help pay for Unkar's ability if nothing else.

Tybrid 922

More of a function of I just don't wanna buy more cards before the awakenings restock :P

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@Tybrid Well, that sounds like a great reason to include F-11Ds instead :)

TakeoSVK 26

@Wigg Hello, may you please explain the use cases for Mos Eisley Spaceport? I understand the basic usage of it, I just want to understand why it is so great in the deck. Is there some specific usage / combo with it I am missing? :)

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@TakeoSVK Given the number of actions this deck spends playing weapons or overwriting them on FN-2199, it is not a fast deck and does not expect to claim the battlefield often. Mos Eisley is there because it has the least impact on your opponent's side of the board when they claim. Most likely they'll take their battlefield if they win the initiate roll, allowing you to take the shields. If you win, you can take your battlefield and know that your opponent will not benefit from it.

If you are swimming in money, it also allows you to return a weapon to your hand to replay again for FN's ability, or if someone is about to die and has a weapon on them that does not redeploy I suppose you could pull it back to play elsewhere. The other thing is that, sometimes your opponent will have no cards in hand and claim and use the ability which can allow you to dump it with Unkar's ability.

I had a game in the tourney where my opponent had a Rocket Launcher left in hand and I knew it (from Friends in Low Places). He claimed and returned Fast Hands to his hand so I would have a 50/50 shot of getting the 3 resources from the Rocket Launcher. He was playing Poe and Maz was already dead, so when I discarded his Fast Hands and cheered he was surprised since it cost 0, but I was giddy to get rid of his only remaining action cheating. Sometimes the best part about Unkar's ability is the fact that the card is discarded, rather than the money (though that is really nice too).

TakeoSVK 26

@Wigg Thank you for the explanation. Those are completely valid points! :)

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@TakeoSVK Glad to be of service :)

Rhinospidercat 14

Is rocket launcher a must have in this deck? Does it conflict with the fn beat down plan? Or is it just the best thing for that slot?

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@JonesySW I'm not sure I'd call it a "must have", but it's pretty darn fantastic. It is one of the most consistent damage dice in the game, and given that FN's ability can roll in and let you pay 1 to do 4 damage that your opponent can do nothing about, it's hard to beat. And of course you then get to roll it in again when FN activates and possibly do it again.

In the end, you want weapons and this deck includes pretty much every weapon available to Red and Yellow except for the DH-17 and the F11-D. If you didn't have Rocket Launchers, you could just swap them out for the F11-D for more redeploy or what not. Bait and Switch may be another decent include for some more flexibility.

When you say the FN beat down plan I'm assuming that you mean the Rocket Launcher is a problem when people target FN first because it does not have redeploy? There are 6 redeploy upgrades in the deck, and it's usually not difficult to get a couple out on FN, or swap a redeploy upgrade in for one that does not have it if FN is going to die. I've actually found that a lot of people go for Unkar first (particularly when they run expensive upgrades or I have Imperial Inspection out), so it may not be an issue at all.

Rhinospidercat 14

@Wigg thx for the info. I have the card so no issue there. Just wondering what other options I have

Netta18 7

Hey, thanks for sharing your list and your thought :)

I was thinking about adding Prized Possession and maybe even Sabotage as techs against Poe/Maz.

What do u think its the best to remove? I was probably thinking about removing few upgrades, which are the worst ones for you? Gaffi, Holdout,Flamethrower...?

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@Netta18 No problem :)

Prized Possession is strong since there are a lot of Poe, Baze, Luke, Vader and Palpatine dice out there.

Honestly, I think the first upgrade to ditch would likely be the IQA. Most of the weapons in the deck are melee, which helps you avoid Deflect and allows you to keep the deck a bit faster by resolving one type of damage. The IQA has helped me kill a few characters through shields, but the die sides aren't ideal for FN's ability. I would keep most of the Redeploy weapons that are in the deck, as they are essential to switch onto FN before he dies to preserve your investment, but Gaffi Stick would be a close 2nd choice for removal.

Sabotage is definitely a meta call, but almost every deck runs one or two supports. I'd be tempted to say that Prized and Sabotage would be useful as one ofs, but not two ofs.

The main issue with Prized Possession is that more or less every upgrade is played out on FN, so you can't really overwrite an upgrade to play it out. You'd want to just pay 4 to put it on Unkar since FN is typically the target. If you had 4 resources you could do some serious damage by adding a weapon and resolving a pay side or something along those lines. Tough call.

Prized vs Poe Maz is definitely a good play, though :)

Netta18 7

The idea is to overwrite a 3-cost weapon to play Prized and remove a key die in the pool. Then the following turn you wait them to activate their key character, after that you overwrite PP for another 3-cost weapon. So it's like paying 1 to remove 2 key dice over 2 turns, then you go back to your normal game with weapons.

I know you loose some dmg in the process, but as i said I really wanna tech against Poe since I feel pretty confident with other match ups

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@Netta18 That's fair, I would be inclined to want a more long-term solution to it, but that does seem more feasible, dealing with a single Poe die is a heck of a lot less trouble and danger than dealing with 2. The Poe player would want to play out DL-44s and such to make up for the lack of damage, but Unkar can make sure that doesn't happen with his disrupt and discard.

I like it :) I'll give it a shot and see how it works. I think I'd pass on Sabotage for now, though.