Never too old to train a jedi v2

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Never too old to train a jedi 3 2 0 1.0
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Kirkus 21

I don't have any Luke Skywalkers, but I feel like Obi-Wan can be better against some decks. He has built in dice mitigation with his Guardian ability and he has multiple focus sides. The game plan is to roll him out first, and then have Maz hopefully roll out her focus side to immediately focus one of Obi-Wan's dice to 3 and then resolve the damage.

Key Cards are:

My Ally Is The Force. Use it on Obi-Wan's 2 to turn dice to maximum damage and resolve a large burst. Or if you're lucky to have both his dice showing 3 then you can resolve for 9+ damage.

Guard. This card is nuts. Free removal of 2-3 dice can heavily swing the tide of battle.

Maz's Goggles. Hopefully you get this early on (like turn 1) as it enhances her ability to focus dice immediately on her activation. The 2 side can turn both of Obi-Wan's dice to 3

Jedi Robes. This is another good card for Maz. Can give her potentially 2 shields and another focus side.

Force Heal and Lone Operative. Force Heal you want to play early as it provides healing as well as resources. This card can later be overriden by Lone Operative for better healing as well as potential damage sides.

Lots of other Dice Mitigation.

Opening Hand. Generally you'll want It Binds All Things, but it also really depends what deck you're up against. If you're up against mill, you want damage cards (Makashi Training, Vibroknife) and Journals of Ben Kenobi. If you're up against shields (Han, Qui-Gonn) then you definitely want to have Vibroknife in your starting hand.

4 hozzászólás

rickadams1980 4

Hi, I played you a couple of days ago online and you gave me this link to your deck. I had to tweak it as I only play online decks that I have the physical cards for (use it for deck testing). One of the cards I put in was Force Speed and it has just helped me win my first ever game! Thank you for the deck idea!

Kirkus 21

Glad I could help! I originally had Force Speed in my deck, but took it out as I wasn't finding it necessary.

EdgeStryfe 8

Why don't you use any of yellow's nice mitigation cards? Electroshock, Loth-Cat and Mouse, or others? Just curious, seems like autoincludes in anything yellow.

Kirkus 21

I didn't want to use any cards that use "Spot a Yellow Character" as I can't trust Maz to be alive more than 2 rounds. There's plenty of good blue dice mitigation already. Loth-Cat and Mouse I'm just not a fan of. Try these cards out though and let me know if they improve the deck at all. I'm sure this deck can be improved further, and I'd love to hear your experiences.