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willfrye 196

Just a fun deck I've made. I don't think this will be competitive at all but I could see it being fun and winning some. Unkar provides so much control as well as money and this allows you to play big ticket supports like Slave I. Tie Pilots protect your die. Load these guys up fast and try and drop a Support. The aim is to choke your opponent until you can get loaded up and hopefully get some firepower from something like First Order TIE Fighter or Slave I. I had an AT-ST in there at first just for kicks and giggles, and it might work if you're feeling crazy. Unkar will be the first target most likely, so keep him alive and make money for as long as possible while your Tie Pilots load up. I'm going to try this out and see if it has legs. Seems fun, I'm skeptical but it allows me to play with some of the cool cards I have that I haven't cracked into yet.

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