Explosive Shield Tilt Deck

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WaddlezGaming 7

My favorite deck out there. Tons of shields and survivability, tons of damage, resource regeneration, lots of utility, and die manipulation. Everything is pretty much self explanatory.

Key things is

Waiting for right moment for opponent to commit to a character to use Draw Attention and spread that damage out.

Cards your shooting for with beginning hand. Atleast 1 It binds all things. Reys staff and jedi robes are also good first round.

Its easy to stack 3 shields on all characters with this deck. Use riposte on a character with full shields to blow an opponent up.

Use Lightsaber on the character the opponent is focusing so you can redeploy it.

Use Luke Skywalkers Lightsaber on character not being focused.

Use Let the Wookie Win when opponent activates an extremely strong character first and has awesome roles. He will be devastated when he has to choose to remove 2 of those awesome dice or do 2 damage to himself.

You might want to consider subbing in Starship Graveyard if your playing against a lot of mill decks. 60% of your cards are support and upgrades. This battlefield allows you to throw cards back in your deck killing any chance they had.

Enjoy :D

2 hozzászólás

WaddlezGaming 7

All about rebels and playing different heroes. Sharing 3 decks that feature all different heroes.

WaddlezGaming 7

Also I didnt mention, but if your playing an opponent with melee damage try and put hunker down on a character he isnt focusing. Force him to spread his damage or allow him to shield up other characters to full and riposte him with. Plus you will get enough shields to put on the character he/she is focusing.