John Gobeil's Padme Troopers F2F Box Tourney

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No One Expects the Nabooin Inquisition. Our Weapons are... 3 2 2 1.0

JohnGobeilSKB 614

Sorry for the delay, the tourney report is up on

The link is

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask :)

16 hozzászólás

mikebiewer 1

Read your write up. You mentioned dropping the detonators. What you thinking to replace?

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@mikebiewer I have dropped the detonators for an extra hunker down and diplomatic. The deck had the mill it needed but having the extra survivability would be more helpful.

I'd love to be able to put in cards like Dug In and Defensive Position but with the reactionary style of the deck and the number of characters to activate, I rarely ever had the battlefield.

mikebiewer 1

Awesome. I'm gonna give this deck a try. I ran a Rey, Trooper, Padme mill that seemed to work pretty well. I had Rey in there to hit them with Patience and to lure them into attacking her over Padme.

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@mikebiewer sounds good :) I'd be interested in hearing how you do!

MaxMcNugget 103

I really like your list, I am going to give a try without the Detonators, mainly because I don't have any. And, more survivability is always good. I am also thinking about adding 1 Hyperspace Jump to deal with Starship Graveyard. Not sure what to take out in it's place. Unless Starship Graveyard isn't too big of an issue.

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@MaxMcNugget I only had to face the Graveyard once and it wasn't too bad, but my opponent did get out a Holdout on turn 1. It can add up to more double activations which are rough against the deck, but most Han Rey decks have a Hyperspace to get the Graveyard back as well. Give it a shot :) it can be a good oh *&^$ button too

HuntedSouls 1

Hello, @MaxMcNugget i really liked this idea, wanted to know right now how are you going with this deck? the link to the report is no more, if you could fix or send another one!

HuntedSouls 1

Hello, @Wigg i really liked this idea, wanted to know right now how are you going with this deck? the link to the report is no more, if you could fix or send another one!

Vigilante 1

@Wigg Can it deal with a 35min match? Most of local stores here a using 35min match, idk if Mill decks can handle it since I've been stopped to seen them.

zakglee 7

@Wigg Thanks for posting your deck. Do you have any thoughts about eAckbar instead of two rebel troopers? Ackbar's ability would let you deal a bit of damage whilst discarding.

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@Vigilante i haven't tried it in a 35m match meta, but I didn't go to time in any of my 45m matches in the tourney. I think now that people are more familiar with the game it should be fine.

@zakglee Ackbar was my first choice, but I found that without the added control from the Troopers that it was hard to survive long enough to mill. If you can win your battlefield (tough with Padme's 3 x 0 sides for init rolls) it will help, and Dug In and Defensive Position are godsends in the Padme Ackbar, but against a fast deck like Han Rey or Jango Veers it would be pretty rough.

its0v3r9000 1

Really enjoying the deck.

Built it with the changes you suggested. But I also added a Falcon and Launch Bay. I find it puts on some serious discard pressure with all the focus the deck has.

I find I might actually just need the one Falcon, and no Launch Bay. I put them in to test and they often just shut the game down.

What do you think?

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@its0v3r9000 I think that, now that the meta has changed, there may be some merit to a Falcon. It's rather expensive and tough to get it out if you are spending all of your cards and resources on dice control and mill, but being able to kill off one of your opponent's characters definitely makes life a lot easier. I am not a huge fan of Launch Bay myself, due to the whole X = cards in hand part. Let me know how it goes, though!

zakglee 7

@Wigg are you still running this deck today? I'm still keeping at it trying to make it work! Finally found some datapads and 2 cunnings. Also, have you thought of having a Hired Gun in place of 1 of the troopers? I have also tossed in some blasters in place of infiltrate (i just find that card a bit lackluster) and a black one (no falcon at the moment) so that i have another win condition if they let me get to that late game stage. let me know what you think

JohnGobeilSKB 614

@zakglee I haven't run it since the tourney really. As I mentioned in my comment above, I think that for a mill deck to work it's a lot easier if you can put some damage out and kill off one character. Having to sit there while upgrades are played out and just hope to survive can work, but holy cow is it stressful :)

zakglee 7

@Wigg haha i know what you mean.. i've been playing some version of this ever since I read your post. very very fun deck, ALways looking for some crazy plays with the focus and the cunning all the while juggling your damage through second chance and rebel troopers. its so damn fun!