eLuke/eYoda/Obi-Wan + Allies of Necessity

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Atomisk 18

This is what I've currently been messing around with after a buddy picked it at random from the decks I was thinking of running. I played it at the first Transformation event for EG (only went 3-2) but it's been doing okay against all the random stuff I've been playing on TTS as well. Not sure if it's the meta is still wild or what. Anyways, the idea for the deck was to jam as many points as possible into a deck and before discounts and plots this runs 34 points of characters(or 42 if you can get Luke flipped). I'd say it hits it's goal.

The basic strategy of the deck is to keep 1 ability upgrade to discard for Allies of Necessity and then find a Luke's Training to get it back so you aren't actually short cards, so those are the priority when mulligan-ing. The deck also runs a lot of resource generation in addition to the engine that is Yoda, including 2 Adapt, 2 It Binds All Things, & even a copy of Exchange Of Information, plus the Luke's training. Even if you don't get those(Though you should get at least 1), you can potentially roll out Yoda and hit specials to generate more resources. I also like you need to sacrifice Obi-Wan round 1(Guardian-ing at least 1 die, plus the one from the action to flip him manually) to get that sick Obi-Wan Kenobi's Spirit die and get a shield off the Spirit's Power Action as well as the free reroll on Luke's die since both his A & B sides die is pretty weak. Focusing the Spirit die to the 2 resources can be big as well, but usually that's gotta be done pretty late in the 1st round as I sorta explain below.

The Good: The deck has 29 starting health with a 4 die start, that bumps to 35 if you can get the flip. That feels like a lot for what is essentially a 2 wide deck, especially with all the shields you generate. Yoda + the Spirit's die + The resource generating cards have made the economy of the deck feel really strong, I felt like I can consistently get enough resources and upgrades by the 2nd Round to flip Luke if my opponent doesn't have some last minute shield removal/damage or disrupt. And Luke's die isn't so bad when you get free-rerolls off Obi's Power Action + The Additional Focus Power of the support die(Those 2 & 3 sides are rad!). Also Dex's Diner is sorta nice when you have a 15 HP ceiling for your big character.

The Bad: This deck is greedy! As good as the generation can feel in the first round the deck is very fragile and susceptible to removal so you depend on your opponent to dictate the pace you can ramp depending on how much mitigation & disruption they have. An Easy Pickings on a roll out with Yoda or an Entangle can be killer. So one of the cards that sorta exemplifies this issue is Yoda's Hut, the card can pay for itself in a couple turns between shields and resources it can refunds but it's definitely card a card that sorta requires my opponent not doing damage to make the most of. Even so, I still like it more than Luke's Protection since it's faster and doesn't clog up my draws. Flipping Obi-Wan is powerful, but feels like it backfires on you if don't get to resolve that die if you went to sacrifice him the first round.

The Ugly: This deck is still Mono Blue so weak to mono hate(looking at you Kylo2) but one of my big Ls was vs a yellow villain bounty hunter deck because of Desperate Measures and some strong yellow removal really crushed you at the start of the game. And of course, Allies of Necessity is a terrible card to play with, even if this tries it's darnedest to mitigate it's downsides. Also Comm Tower - Scarif feels pretty rough in this format(so many plots my opponents are running too!), but I'm not sure what I'd run right now besides that.

Final Thoughts: Deck feels like it's got legs but to early to tell in the meta if it's a tier 2 deck or what yet. Figured it'd be better to put it out there and see what suggestions/improvements people can figure if any for this list. Anyways, thanks for listening to my ramblings!

4 hozzászólás

tunewalker 74

This concept is one of my favorite ones right now. I am really trying to think if there are any other combinations that this might work for. There are actually quite a few 8 cost characters that could fit in this list not just Obi-wan. What I didn't realize though was the power action of the spirit reroll ANY NUMBER of character or upgrade dice on the character you gave a shield. That is huge.

Separatist Arkhan 172

I don't understand the point cost. Yoda 13 pts + Luke 12 pts + Obi 12 pts = 37 ? -2 Allies of necessity. How does team up do the other -5 ? Thanks for help.

Atomisk 18

@tunewalker You definitely can bring in another 8 cost easily enough, but I like Obi-Wan currently because as you point out he has a great PA but also his die is so good that I think it is hard to find a character at that cost to rival it.

@Separatist Arkhan As the name of deck is, eLuke/eYoda/Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan is not Elite since he doesn't have a "e" there. So points are: elite Luke(12) + Elite Yoda(12, because of the reduction from Luke's Team Up ability) + Non-Elite Obi-wan(8, also reduced By Luke) = 32 - 2 (Allies of Necessity) brings it down to 30 points. Hope that clears it up!

Separatist Arkhan 172

`@Atomisk THanks. It'S because of the decklist page, Obi-Wan is show with 2 dice, like Luke and Yoda. So I was assuming it was meaning elite