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501st 30


CARDS- Diplomatic Protection: This card is a life saver when it comes to agro decks. If they go after Plo or Chirpa, plop one of these to add 8+ shields on your characters.

Chief Chirpa's Hut: This one is self-explanatory. Just never use the option to spend 3 resources to keep it. It's not worth it.

Improvised Explosive, Laser Tripwire: These are used as quick and easy damage that can't be mitigated.

R2-D2: Always good to turn Plo and Chirpas dice the way you want them.

Controlled Chaos: Good for 5 die start decks, or ramp up upgrade decks.

Convergence: Absolutely amazing against almost every deck that uses dice.

Disciplined Mind, Easy Pickings, Electroshock, Near Miss: Easy mitigation.

Ewok Ambush: Great to spend up your round.

Explosive Tactics: Great against support/Vehicle decks.

Glider Attack: Exhaust an ewok and play only when they don't have any resources.

Karabast!: Great to take some heat off of Plo Soon or Chief Chirpa.

Kinship:Easy money.

Respite: Exhaust an ewok to get money and a card.

Rigged Detonation: Great against money decks, and also good for a quick 2 damage at the start of the round.

Support of the Tribe: Use to heal Plo Koon. No one else matters.

Through The Pass: This card is literally the focal point of the deck, allowing you to do 6+ damage with Plo Koon. Now, it might cost 2 resources, but it's well worth it in my eyes.

Petranaki Arena - Geonosis: Just deals extra damage, try to do it to an ewok or someone who your opponent will go for last.

MULIGAN You want to mulligan hard for a Through The Pass, an Improvised Explosive, a Glider Attack, a Support of the Tribe, and any mitigation.

TIPS Try to keep Plo alive for as long as possible. Don't be afraid to spend all of your resources on cards like Through The Pass and Explosive Tactics. Have Fun!

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