Marauding Bane

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chinovalley 322

Here's my take on Bane. He's a monster and with a couple early big upgrades he's just ferocious. Playing against a disruption/control deck is tough and annoying--but isn't it always? Bane can put the smack down on anyone with a good start. This list isn't fine-tuned yet but it's played well so far. Definitely the key is getting a big blue upgrade in your hand round 1 so that's a hard mulligan. Shien Mastery is a great first upgrade to get out since you can use it twice and it helps mitigate damage with it's two specials and two 2-shield sides, and the three damage sides are great as well--along with no blanks. The Crystal Ball and Force Focus upgrades are meant for the Marauder, and hopefully before Bane goes down there will be a couple redeploy weapons on him that shift over to the Marauder who can proceed to swing hard in the end game. If anyone goes for the Marauder first then they probably will get beat down hard by Bane. With Shien Mastery and two of the Death Field/Force Storm/Darksaber upgrades he's very powerful. The only thing missing is speed--I've considered using the hero Instigate instead of Easy Pickings to get that surprise off in a spot where a character defeat is possible and meaningful.

1 hozzászólás

TripleX5 3

imo crystal ball, vibrocutlass, fear and dead men out > truce, dangerous maneuver, respite in... also thinking about taking out IBAT and put in something else (more dice removal or some resource gaining) but its nice in the end