World's (5-3) Berserking Tardigrades (true ewoks) 26 dam rd

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Scirus 26

This has been a work in progress and a labor of love since the release of Spark of Hope. Ryan thanks for all your help with the play testing, decks are forged in fire and play testers are invaluable. The basic idea behind the deck is to overwhelm your opponent with damage while turn wiping them with huge removal. I always hard mulligan for Target Acquired, then Aftermath and Diplomatic Protection depending on my match up.

Note: POSSIBLE DAMAGE ROUND 1 is 26. Sorry for the caps but I want to make sure everyone sees it. The possibility with 2 Chief Chirpa - Bright Tree Village Elder (6ind) dice, a resource from the gungan, Kinship to 4 for 2 Strength in Numbers (12ind) and 2 Glider Attack (6ind). With 2 additional ewok activations is 26. Most round 1s average 14 damage, this fluctuates with card draw

The trick with this deck is to take your time, no rush, set up your big removal plays and then smash them with all your indirect.

Battlefield: Salt Flats - Crait Most people want theirs, chirpa is a leader, 3 ind or play defensively.

There are some cards that are pretty obvious includes, Diplomatic Protection and Target acquired, strength in numbers being the main ones.

Some of the better tech: Aftermath, so many characters and with the hired muscles to close out games you can use the cash. Laser Tripwire is one of my favorite cards in this deck. Even though its situational, the damage is reactive like Suppressive Fire and can make someone think twice before rolling in.

Hired Muscle are really important components of this deck. I often play them even if I don't want to resolve it and use the resource for something else. It's great mitigation bait and helps close out games.

Mitigation: This is where this deck shines, put a Diplomatic Protection on an ewok at low health and Blaze of Glory to wipe out a big damage play while adding shields to all your chars. Honorable Sacrifice offers the same benefit, triggering an early diplomatic protection is often the difference between victory and defeat. Another fantastic mitigation card is Our Situation is Desperate, that coupled with the Under Attack to setup the big removal play often results in near turn wipes.

All in all this deck is frustrating to play against, between the big damage and blowout mitigation it can hold its own against the best meta decks. One last note, this is a budget deck and is incredibly cheap to build with a limited amount of rares but mostly commons and uncommons.

7 hozzászólás

artyzipp 7

Fun writeup. Did you mean diplomatic protection in the mitigation piece?

Scirus 26

Yep, made the adjustment, good catch

destinyspb 98

Did you consider taking hoth trooper and Preemptive strike instead of gungan and 2nd Chirpa's die?

Scirus 26

I have but I really like the additional dice, yes hoth trooper does 1 direct but the extra health and ability to generate resources with the gungan make him a better choice. I also really like chirpas die, most people go after the warriors first leaving chirpa to roll in for a couple ind per die, or disrupt which i will take. I will basically resolve anything he rolls, focus yes please, turn my hired muscle to 3 for 1.

helikaon 34

After testing against this some, I can agree with what you said about it being frustrating to play against. Two questions: What were your losses against? Did you ever lose to 4-Lom 3 wide?

Scirus 26

I have beaten many 4-lom decks, I hard mulligan for convergence after target acquired to remove the first support played which is usually a fist or mega blaster trooper. My losses were to leia yoda mill which usually is a good matchup but i just didnt get the card draw. All my damage cards were removed from the top of my deck and I wasnt able to get a target acquired on either character (on a side note I would go hard for my hired muscles over anything else, i think that would have changed the outcome of this game as it was really close) My second loss was to reylo, need target acquired against this deck. With all the shields it becomes really difficult to finish at the end of the game. 3rd loss was to a shadow caster reset deck. He scruffied convergence out of my hand as the first action of each round.

KacaLetec 53

Excellent fun deck I tested with my friend against ReyLo two wins but one very close.