Plo koon - Ewok General

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Army of Ewok Warriors to stack their abilities on Plo Koon - Jedi Protector and do a ton of indirect damage. Use Ewok Bows and/or Holdout Blaster to upgrate to Bowcaster. Save resources as much as possible to spawn Ewok Warriors repeatedly with Chief Chirpa's Hut. Use Destiny Fulfilled when they're close to death, and with a pile of dead ewoks mid/late game, start doing tons more indirect damage with Arena of Death - Nar Shaddaa.

Don't get a lot of time to actually play, but testing against myself it does very well. tweaks and suggestions welcome.

I'm not sure of the usefulness of Deflect or Near Miss Kinship seems marginally good, but not very efficient thinking of replacing these for another XS Stock Light Freighter, Holdout Blaster, and Bowcaster.

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