eKes/eRex Faster than a blaster!

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maxwell9999 38

I've been having a lot of fun with Kes lately so I thought I'd release my version of this pairing. This deck hits fast and I mean FAST! You will probably be out of things to do by turn 3 each round.

The idea here is to roll out with Military Camp - Kaller and then resolve using Kes Dameron - Courageous Sergeant's action. This hits for a consistent 6-8 damage that is hard for the opponent to mitigate because we can focus into immediate damage. Our absolute max round 1 is to have our battlefield, play Fresh Supplies to put us at 3 resources, then play a Conscript Squad, then play Seize the Day and roll into up to 12 damage that's immediately resolvable. 12 takes a lucky roll but 8 or 9 is consistent with the reroll from Military Camp and focus sides.

This gives us a great matchup against 2 wides especially big little since we can focus a consistent 12+ direct damage into the big by early round 2. Unfortunately, there are no nice ways to end the action phase early anymore, we are relatively squishy, and the total damage ceiling is not that high, so it struggles against three wides and support/vehicle decks a little. I am still working on beefing it up for this matchup.

Kes is usually the focus of the opponent, to turn off his action. That is the core functionality of the deck so protect him! Rex is a natural pairing for Kes, being a trooper/leader, and his ability comes in handy if you don't have the battlefield and need it.

Core Cards:

  • Conscript Squad: This is the best card in the deck, hard mulligan for it. It adds a 1 cost good die, activates with our leaders and is a trooper to work with Kes and Measure for Measure.
  • Seize the Day: This lets us roll out and resolve in 1 turn. You will nearly always have the battlefield or can take it with Rex if need be.
  • Fresh Supplies: Gives us extra money for no downside.

Weapon suite:

  • Rex's Blaster Pistol: a good blaster that really helps if we don't win the roll off. This should go on Rex.
  • A300 Blaster: good damage for 2 cost and has redeploy. Particularly good because of the multiple non modifier sides. Since we want to be able to resolve it on its own if necessary after all the trooper dice are Kes'd out of the pool. Goes on Kes because of redeploy.
  • Handheld L-S1 Cannon: Way above curve for a 2 cost weapon This should go on Rex because we need the space for riot shields or A300 on Kes.


  • Riot Shield: essentially 3 hp for 1 cost is great.
  • First Aid: 2 heal or potentially 4 round 1!
  • Field Medic: 2 heal is fine.
  • Measure for Measure: This card is great but is a little less good in this particular deck since you resolve so fast you don't really have dice to mitigate with. Still at 0 cost it's an auto include for red trooper.
  • Suppressive Fire: Great mitigation and works on Watto - Stubborn Gambler. Red near auto include.
  • Superior Position: We will have the battlefield 99% of the time so this is an unconditional 1 for 1.


  • Intense Fire: great damage from hand, you almost always have more red than opponent. Good finisher and good for surprise.

Currently testing cards:

  • Aggressive Negotiations: this card has the potential to be a blowout and either do big damage to an opponent, or save your skin for another round which then translates into another roll out.
  • Logistics: helps on the resources but not sure, it's hard to sacrifice a potential 2 or 3 damage for a resource.

Cards Considered:

  • Additional guns: Hidden Blaster/E-11 Blaster were in this deck at one point. Both have their up sides, ambush + shield ping and redeploy, respectively. However, I prefer A300 Blaster because of the additional non-modified side that helps it be resolvable if you've Kes'd away all your trooper dice.
  • Electromagnetic Pulse: this could help in the vehicle matchup but is dead otherwise. In my meta, the 2x Superior Position is nicer.
  • Concerted Effort: tried this card in the first version of the deck. I really want it to work since it's tailor made for the deck. Unfortunately, even in its best shape, round 1 and getting 1 damage a turn there are better cards. And, once you lose Kes, it's really hard to trigger it. Usually he dies by round 3, so best case you spent 1 for potential 3 spread out damage. Having more healing/mitigation instead to keep Kes alive another round is better and so is having surprise direct damage from hand like Intense Fire. If this card had second clause that said "If you've resolved 5 or more dice this turn, instead exhaust to do 2 damage to a character." then it would go back in (and maybe be too strong?).
  • Strike Back: damage + focus is nice for the deck but this card is on the weaker side imo. We have no discard sides.
  • Power Surge: all our direct sides are 2 sides and we only have 1 die with 3 sides on the L-S1 so I think it's not as good as it could be in this deck. Worth considering though.
  • Hostile Takeover: Can be great but is too hard to play.
  • Rout: Could be a blowout play, we do have a fair number of dice out at once, but we are trying to get all our dice out of the pool by turn 2 (or turn 1 with Seize the Day). Therefore, this is a lot harder to get good value from than it seems at first.

I will be testing Chance Encounter when it is released. I think it could be good in this deck.

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