The Ugly Ducklings // T3 Gaming

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niftynick 519

Hey guys, Nick from T3 here again. The Ugly Duckings is a vehicle list I wanted to try. I'm usually not a fan of 3-die 3-wide lists but I think this might be decent because all of their Power Actions bring a lot of value.

  • Andy Serkis provides that ever-valuable +2 Power Action and focus sides.
  • Tin Man uses his brain and brings 2 resource sides (good for Snoke), 2 focus sides, and a great support-enabler Power Action.
  • And the winner of the 'Slightly Less Ugly than Jabba' Award comes in with a safe die to target with Snoke (hopefully that's 3 resources per round) and a fun little gambler's Power Action to maybe make some money / act as some soft mitigation on opponents' key dice.

All together they stack up a nice 29 health, which is a lot to chew through even without mitigation. Pretty straight forward in my mind, decent amount of control and lots of big ships, with the added bonus of some double dipping thanks to Wat.

If I'm understanding Wat's Power Action correctly, vehicles with Ambush can be resolved after they are rolled in (since it isn't an action to roll em) so TIE Fighter, Starviper, and Planetary Bombardment make the cut here for some quick and heavy resolutions.

Starviper and Planetary Bombardment in particular are exciting with Wat because they have great odds at a crushing resolution.

So let's talk about some decisions. There is definitely room to improve in a couple spots here, but lemme walk though my thoughts on it so far.

  • Why Watto's Shop - Tatooine? The short answer is Planetary Bombardment. Once you're on 3-4 vehicles with a Bombardment in hand, sacrifice one to get up to 7 resources going into the next round (so you have change to resolve those pay sides).
  • Use Wat Tambor - Techno Union Foreman to play Planetary Bombardment. Look. Close your eyes and just imagine how satisfying it'll be to deal 4 indirect for your vehicles, then resolve 7 more. Mm. Spicy.
  • Dorsal Turret, Triple Laser Turret, and Firespray-31 make the list because they are decent amount of value packed in. Plus with Testing Procedure, having mods gives you a decent little burst of dice into the pool. I did also choose these because I'm missing a few cards that I might prefer and mods are gonna hold those slots for the time being. I'll list the cards I want to try in the next bit.

This is the first list in a while where I've struggled to pack in all the things I want. Here are the cards that are on my shortlist:

  • Dangerous Maneuver: this is one where the value is just moving/delaying damage but if it keeps Wat alive for one more round, it's sort of worth it? Might experiment with maybe just one of these. I think it's most useful with a Bubble Shield and Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter so... eh.
  • Fang Fighter: it is an Ambush vehicle for Wat... I just don't like that die for 3-cost. That's really it.
  • ARC-170 Starfighter is a solid, solid die. I just chose the Firespray over it here, that's all. Probably not a bad idea to save the resource and go ARC here instead.
  • Fickle Mercenaries is a great die for 1-cost, but I have concerns about it if you play it early and opponents just steal it - would really ruin your ramp. Also, since I included Mods they don't really mesh. If you flip the Mods into Mercs, then it probably works a bit better, this is just the direction I chose to go in. Also, I didn't pull any Mercs so... that's awkward...
  • Vader's Fist: possibly the highest impact support in the game, but I chose to omit it because it doubles up with Wat's PA. Plus, I don't want my local scene to hate me thaaat much and wanted to try something different. It probably has a home here because it's just that good.
  • Megablaster Troopers: You've got 2 Leaders here, all base damage sides with no pay, it adds more dice, so yeah it's really good. So it should be here. But just like the Mercs I uh, didn't get any. So. Yeah. Add em if you got em!
  • Landing Dock - Scipio: the Watto's Shop Planetary combo might be a pipe dream, having the field more often might give you a little edge with speed. Either way, I don't expect many opponents to want to play on your field and with pretty poor initiation roll I expect to just lose that roll-off more often than not. I debated with Across The Galaxy to switch to my field but at the end of the day, I think it's just not worth it with this list.

So, realistically, the changes I'll be trying once I get the cards for it are:

I'll probably post an updated version once I get around to testing these changes.

Weaknesses I see this having:

  • If Wat dies early, it isn't the end of the world but it does mean you only get like one use of his very effective Power Action. So that's unfortunate with how aggressive some lists are. Having Watto's safe die to Snoke two or three rounds though is very nice.
  • Speed, for sure. Lots of rolling one die out at a time. In my experience this means that if you're in a tight game, you're probably a bit more behind than you think.
  • Light on high-impact mitigation. Beguile is the biggest, so saving it for maximum value is critical. Otherwise, you're probably staring down some pretty scaring rounds - especially with how many dice feature 2 sides. If Wat is going to be the target every single match, which I think he is, I might try out Entangle for some more control.
  • Card draw/consistency. With 13 vehicles, it's probably not going to be an issue of drawing supports but rather drawing the supports you need at the right time. Planetary Bombardment and Tech Team in particular always seems to find their way to the bottom of my decks... Initial testing with this has given me enough confidence in it to keep trying it. I thought I'd share it in-progress for thoughts or to let ya try it out if you wanted. We did play a game on video for T3 last night, so I'll edit this to add the video once it's up! Thanks for reading and enjoy :)
2 hozzászólás

the BEAST 1128

The second Forsaken should take the place of A Sinister Peace. I think Senate Chamber would be really good as well.

niftynick 519

@the BEAST I think you're right on both accounts. Senate Chamber is a good call and should find a place, perhaps in place of Count Dooku's Solar Sailer? Same focus, less cost, and another focus Power Action... Good idea, I'll try it later tonight. Thanks!