Jyn2/Cassian Mill

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R2-DTAT 59

I've played this deck for a while now. I think it's in a much better place now that Block 1 has rotated. I took this to a casual tournament where it went 3-2. It could have been 4-1, but I made a silly mistake round 2.

During that tournament I was running Salt Flats - Crait as my battlefield. After my second round I decided that Occupied City - Lothal puts this deck over the edge instead of having more focused control Salt Flats offers.

I also traded my Entangles for Unpredictables as this deck can get in a resource pinch. Previously with only 4 zero costs, you may face a situation where you have to hold off playing Jyn Erso's Blaster for the turn and hope for the best.

Fortunately Jyn and Cassian do put in work by themselves and the amount of survivability in this deck is usually enough to keep a character alive until mid-late game where they don't have much left in their deck.

Round 1- vs eLando/eMaz (Win) Vehicle Supports don't work well if you don't play them.

Round 2 - vs eLuke3/ePadme (Loss) This was a close game, my opponent played well. I ran into a situation in the last round where Jyn was at 1 HP, he had one card in hand, nothing in deck. He had a BB-8, Padme, and one other support die on the table. I had Jyn and her blaster with a discard side showing. My best option was to use Salt Flats to turn BB-8's focus side to blank and then he would pitch the card to reroll and I hope he doesn't roll into a focus. Instead I resolved the discard, he resolved the BB-8 for lethal. Big Oof.

Round 3 - vs Greivous3/BD/BD/Doctor Aphra (Win) I was able to mitigate and avoid his damage while milling a good chunk of his deck every turn.

Round 4 - vs. ePalp/eWatto (Loss) Where are you Occupied City? Jyn wants to roll damage, so I throw it into Watto and kill him Round 2. I can't mitigate Palp's Light Saber,Force Storm, Sith Teachings, Force Wave, and Palp's Dice all at once though. I think this would have gone better for me if he didn't roll basically max damage in the last round.

Round 5 - vs. eYoda/Marauder/Marauder (Win) Previously undefeated, my opponent had stomped other competitors down with Turn 1 Vader's Fist, Entourage and Fickle Mercenaries. But like my Round 1 matchup, supports don't work in the discard pile.

By the end of round 1 there was 12 cards in his discard pile. I Scruffied an Entourage, Jyn milled a Fist and discarded, then Cassian resolved his dice for more discard. He uses Bartering to have us both draw. I use a resource to play No Answer to make him lose that card in hand and mill the other fist in one of the other 3 cards. By turn 2 I had milled 8 of his 9 supports and he didn't have enough damage output to pose a threat.

My opponent was feeling the same amount of hopelessness he had given to his competition.

Overall this deck has exceeded my expectations and cannot wait to see how well it does in other tournaments.

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