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Remedy 204
Hey guys,
This is a deck I built and played at our local casual night. The goal of this deck was to have fun and emphasise multiple shuffles of the deck each turn attempting to eventually get Vader's Fist down either through Delve or Dryden's special to close out games.
Talzin is added in to occasionally offer value as is Witch Magic. The battledroid is simply so that this list can run red.
Could be refined much further but I had so much fun with it and thought I'd share what I feel is just a silly deck but ultimately lead to a lot of fun.
Some highlights from Dryden Special include: Finding a second way of the force placing it on a battledroid and later in the turn using the 2nd dice as fodder for the power action off of Senate Chamber.
Finding Fist the first time.
Finding Fist the 7th time.
Delve of Mobilise gaining 3 resource ramp into another vehicle (5-6 resource value).
Importantly this deck can have a bad turn 1 but then have the $$$ to make a strong turn 2 with 1-2 minimum vehicles hitting the table or mitigation depending on the variance of the draws and special results.