Black Metal - Kylo/Snoke - 2nd and 1st SC at Pastimes and Ga

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wretchedsin6 90

The idea of this deck is pretty straightforward - hit for damage, hard and fast. The only weird thing I did was try to include as many Grey cards as possible, just in case I play against Kylo. So I have Vibroknife instead of Shoto Lightsaber and a Rend for Force Speeds/Chance Cubes/Suppressive Fire. Force Speed and Vibros tend to go on Snoke; Redeploys, Torment and Ancient Lightsaber go on whomever they attack first, Crossguard Lightsaber goes on Kylo. Torments instead of It Binds All Things. B'Omarr Monastery - Teth instead of Rebel War Room - Yavin IV because of all the focusing from Snoke, I usually don’t hit a pay side much but I can end up with a modified side alone due to Snoke’s PA. All In is a god card in this deck. Roll out with Snoke and hit a Force Speed and some , then FS into Kylo activation and play All In as 2nd action. I usually tried to mulligan for a Torment, Force Speed, 2 cost weapon and 0 cost mitigation.

Onto the tournament. 39 players at Pastimes in Niles, IL. I went 4-1 in Swiss. 2-1 in first Top 4 game, 1-2 in Championship game. If I am misremembering situations, my bad, please correct me.

G1- Yoda/Hondo - Specials
I went after Yoda first, did 8 damage after Round 1 with Snoke’s Power Action. Took damage from Hondo early, paid off Hondo in later Rounds. I had 2 Force Speeds on Snoke early, so I was able to get what I wanted on the dice and win. Kylo guess was Yellow, hit ⅔. Win

G2- eYoda/Cassian/Lil'Anakin - Mil
He shielded up Yoda first so I went after Cassian. 6-8 damage on Cassian end of Round 1. Again, 2 FS by Round 2 on Snoke made for no dice removal from him on Kylo, or he had to waste it on FS . Kylo guess was Yellow, hit ⅔. Win

G3- Snoke/Cad
1 FS on Snoke early, I was able to hit Cad enough early. I believe an All in play round 2 killed Cad, then I just beat up on Snoke. He was able to kill Kylo, but I was able to get some redeploys on him before so Snoke could have a chance. Kylo guess was Yellow, hit ⅓. Win

G4 - BrOTK
This guy perfected the art of BrOTK - he won an SC 2 weeks ago with it. I got a FS on Snoke R1. I went after Nightsister first, hit her for 6. Then he The Price of Failure her - reactivated Seventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor, hit Kylo for OK damage - he probably wanted more. I believe I was able to kill Ciena Ree - Adept Pilot and he killed Kylo by Round 3. Had a Dagger of Mortiss, Ancient and FS on Snoke and was able to keep him alive. Game went to time. I had 16 damage dealt he had 12. Cards in deck were 16 - 2 in hand, he had 16 in deck - 3 in hand. I had the battlefield. He had 1 melee showing and a Maul’s saber PA play. Needed to hit +3 or +4 pending on his cards. He did not get it. Kylo guess was blue, i think i hit twice. Win

G5 - eTalzin/2x Super Commando
Wow - crazy fun deck. Damage all over the place. He got 2 Force Illusionn on Mother, and a Armor Plating on a SuperTrooper. He kept PAing on the Commando with his Chance Cube and Mandalorian Vambracess and weapons. I tried to deal some damage to a Commando but I couldn’t get enough to hurt him. Snoke had FS Round 1. He had 28 odd cards so Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarchn worked every time as well as Witch Magick. Kylo guess was yellow, yellow, blue and I hit once. Loss

Top4 G1,2, 3 - Rey2/Luke3
I played against him and this deck before. Great player - had to make no mistakes. G1 I got FS on Snoke and was able to All in round 2 for a quick Rey kill. Then just wore down Luke for the win. G2 I got FS on Snoke but he put 3 shields and a Illusion on Rey early so I switched targets to Luke. Killed Luke late Round 2 and he killed Kylo Round 2. Rey had 3 good upgrades on her and my Snoke only had 2 weapons and FS. With her damage pinging and upgrades, I lost. G3 similar to G1. He did not get many upgrades early in his hand to get out. I was able to Kill Rey by Round 2 with Snoke’s PA and still had a good amount of health on Kylo still. Then I just wore down Luke with damage. Dice gods were not with him in G3. Kylo guesses were always blue and I only missed once. Win

SC G1, 2, 3 - Lil'Anakin/HiredGun/RookiePilot/TempleGuard - Vehicles
Slow and long games. FS was on Snoke by Round 1 all games. G1 I was able to get 2 Rise Again off as I did not get many upgrades in my hand early and let the resources pile up. Did All In plays to kill one of his characters in all games. He had Second Chance on Anakin in all games. I was able to plow through them in G1 and Win. G2 and 3 not so much. So much health and good mitigation cards, I could not kill all of his characters fast enough. G2 was close but FS special rolling was failing me and I could not get my 2nd All in off when I needed to. Came down to the end, I was close to getting milled but in the end he barely beat me. G3 started off close, then I did not see a "3 indirect on a Resistance Crait Speeder combined with a C-3PO die, increased by 1 and changed to ranged to kill Kylo" play. Great play by him. After that, Snoke was toast. He discarded my Rise Again and just hit away at poor Snoke. Great game Nick. Loss. Kylo guess changed from Red to Yellow depending on how I felt. I usually guess wrong these games. Tip: Guess red, that's what I pulled mostly.

4 hozzászólás

5P33D 75

Only 1 Ancient Lightsaber? Was that because you only owned 1? Seems like an auto include as 2 of in all blue melee decks.

wretchedsin6 90

@5P33D You are correct. If I had 2, I might exchange it with a Crossguard Lightsaber or Maul's Lightsaber.

the BEAST 1128

Always call red against vehicles.

wretchedsin6 90

UPDATE: 8/18/18- Gamestorm in Lemont IL
1st place, 12 people, NO Top 4 cut. Deck went 4-0.
Vibroknife and All In were big plays throughout the day
G1: Thrawn/Emo Vader/Blockade Aggro'ed away at Thrawn first, then killed Emo Vader. Win 1-0

G2: brOTK (same as person as earlier post) He did not get any upgrades, no ID9 Seeker Droid, no The Price of Failure, no Leadership for his first hand. That set him back enough for me to kill Nightsister first, then Ciena Ree - Adept Pilot, without him ever playing one of his OTK cards. He managed to kill Kylo, then a huge All in play with focuses, Vibroknife and Mortis on Snoke wiped out 7th at the end. Win 2-0

G3- Lil Ani/Yoda/Cassian - Mil Started out attacking Yoda first, then Ani's Pod came out, switched to attacking Ani (2 shields). Killed him before a Second Chance could come out on him. Went for Cassian. Had to go through a 2nd chance. Had a Vibroknife, Mauls and Crossguards out. Rolls were varied enough to avoid Easy Pickings. Held onto cards for rerolls instead of discarding them between turns for weapons. Eventually killed Yoda with 4 cards left. Win 3-0

G4- Obi/Maz Went after Maz first. He did not get a 2nd chance out on her. Rolls were varied enough to prevent any Easy Pickings. I had to go through a Force Illusion on Maz - 4 cards all weapons. Killed Maz eventually. He attacked Snoke first, that allowed for a late play of Mauls on Kylo. Rolled well enough in 4th round to kill Obi through Force Illusion with a Vibro+2, Mauls+3 and Kylo=1. Win 4-0