Leia2/ Jedha/ Yoda (Small SC Winner!)

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Articero 881

This idea came to me while I was flipping through new cards trying to decide on a deck for my local SC. I hadn't really been inspired by anything I'd seen yet, but as I was looking back over the cards I'd pulled in my box and traded for, I decided I wanted to play a mill deck with the new character Leia Organa - Heart of the Resistance. The two discard sides on her die REALLY makes the end game easier to navigate in mill (assuming she survives to the end game) and her power action is a great way to get value out of other characters without resorting to the "reroll and pray" philosophy of SWD.

So, I looked to see what other people had been working on with her. I saw her used in a lot of two character lists - most commonly with Yoda - Wizened Master and Cassian Andor - Rebellion Operative. Those are cool, but my local scene has always had a healthy dose of Kylo Ren - Tormented One and three color decks are obviously a great way to counter him, which was a factor in my decision. I know that might seem like a flimsy reason, but I do have an explanation. During the last regional season (I only played in one, in Michigan), the match I most remember (my second loss, ultimately sending me to 5-2 on the day) was one I played against the version of this deck popular last season that ran General Rieekan - Defensive Mastermind. I was playing Kylo Ren - Tormented One. I whiffed... many times. I thought it might be fun to be on the other side of that!

I looked a few different versions of that deck up, completely ignorantly put a lot of the ideas I liked into a pile of 30 cards, and started to play with it. I went 3-0 with it at a small local last week, and by the time my SC came around I had changed it up a little bit (the version you see here). After playing those games I ultimately decided to mix it up quite a bit more. If you decide to try this deck out, I recommend getting in a few games and making changes as you see fit. I would at least find room for a second Pacify (card is gross and really over-preformed, but I only had one from my pulls lol), I would switch out Commando Raid for either Motivate or something else entirely (card was fun but super inconsistent) and I would probably move away from the copy of Air Superiority as well (probably for Dex's Diner, which would be a better fit since this deck doesn't prefer its healing to be shields like the old one did). The battlefield could also be switched back to Imperial Palace - Coruscant or something else that discards, but I never really had issues getting the last few cards out of hand (hence why I never added Bespin Wing Guard).

Really, there are a lot of spots for improvement, but let me explain now what DID work. First, this deck is a tank - 29 health on board and a lot more from healing and shielding. In the three rounds (I said it was small!) I played at my store championship, I was taken down to my last character twice - but only after taking what likely amounted to 30+ damage in each game and removing quite a bit more than that. Hyperspace Jump is still a dirty card, and won me a game (which always feels good). Into The Garbage Chute is great too, and Jedha is a sweet target for it. Fall Back was slick (played it to remove a Shoto Lightsaber AND another saber off of a Rey - Finding The Ways which felt great). Basically, all things that worked for the General Rieekan - Defensive Mastermind deck too. This deck does play a bit differently, though, because of the things that Leia Organa - Heart of the Resistance brings with her to the game. Her discard sides are invaluable, her power action with Jedha Partisan's 2 indirect damage sides is more effective than resolving them for mill, she let me play freakin' Commando Raid in a deck (I actually resolved it on C-3PO's discard side once which was great), AND most of what she does can be done independently of what your other characters do (no worrying about shields!)

Unless, of course, your other characters die. Then you won't get the power action.

In terms of play, this is a mill deck, and I won't take up any of your time explaining how it works (stay alive, run them out of cards). This isn't some meta-buster, but it is a fun pile of cards that has a lot of room to improve. If you choose to try it, have fun, make changes, and I hope the rolls go your way!

1 hozzászólás

JuzFuzz 27

How have you been progressing with this decklist? I've been looking at the Rieekan version but I just pulled a lonely Leia and wondered about how it would substitute.