2018 Store Championship Winner (Isle of Gamers, Santa Clara,

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Obi-Maz variation from Santa Clara SC deck 1 0 0 1.0
WOTF Obi-Maz 23-1 Ritz Carlton Champ, Kylo-Pryce Protection 3 2 0 1.0

Lerysh 127

This is my Obi/Maz deck I took to the Store Championship and won it all.

Couple of notes on card selection:

Why Outer Rim and not Frozen Wastes? This deck is faster than 90% of decks. Roll your dice, get them to melee, get them resolved. I run a very expensive event suite and the money from Outer Rim is nice. Also I can take it when I win and my opponent isn't scared to take it when I lose init. Also also the 10% of decks it's not faster than I'd much much rather give them a money and a card than lose an Obi die to a claim. I need my character dice too much to event hint at risking them.

Why not Shoto Lightsaber? Short answer is it doesn't have a 3 damage side. Long answer is the deck is too tight to put in more than 9 upgrades and the ones I have are either serving a much needed funciton (Maz's Goggles for focus, Force Speed for actions, Vibroknife to bypass shields or illusions) or have 3 sides. Because I am focus and rotation heavy I want those 3s more than I want extra shields. I love Shoto Saber, but ultimately it came down to I want the Ancient in my opening hand not the Shoto which means don't run them. If it's a 2 cost upgrade you don't want turn 1 it's not a card you want in.

Why not Heirloom Saber? It was in for a while but Rey's is just better. Heirloom works much better in an all blue deck with cost reductions than it does in a dual color. Yea I can play it on Maz but I can also play Rey's or Vibrocutlass instead.

Mitigation Choices I ultimately decided against Force Misdirection, even tho that is a very good card, because my job is to get my blue dice in and out as fast as possible. Risking an Obi 3 damage to potentially mitigate damage is not something I want to be doing. Same reason Guard didn't make it in. Garbage Chute, while good, isn't where Maz wants to be. I finally landed on double Hyperspace jump just because that card punishes Vehicle decks so bad it's not even fair and 1 Vandalize for Speeds/RI/Rally Aid. Day of the event I used Vandalize all of one time to destroy a Shoto on Qui-Gon/Yoda but I still like it's inclusion. I also made a deliberate attempt to split the spot cards, 2x Easy Pickings 2x Overconfidence, 1x Mind Trick the only spot cards available. Hasty Exit and Hidden Motive for economy.

Tech Choices I prefer Swiftness to Running Interference because it's less telegraphed. Players will make mistakes looking at Obi blanks and no Force Speed that they would not make staring at an RI. With the money from Outer Rim and Maz's Vault (An auto include in basically any yellow hero deck IMO) I can easily get the 3 I need to Swiftness, Alter/Concentrate, Rotate for 6 damage, do 6+. Won my final match to get into the top 4 cut by doing 10 damage to a fully healed Seventh Sister using the combo. Any Obi player running less than 4 rotation cards is hurting itself IMO.

That's it. Great deck, good event, had fun, got lucky. Shoutout to the California Bay Area Destiny community for being awesome.

12 hozzászólás

CheeseOnThree 1

Great write-up! Always good to know the thought process.

CrowOfGames 9

Why not use Dagger of Mortis? Seems like it would be a good fit in this deck. Also, why not use In The Crosshairs instead of Defend? For 1 more resource, you get the versatility of removing any symbol, not just melee. Just curious.

Lerysh 127

@CrowOfGamesI would 1000% use Dagger if it were legal at the time of the SC. This is a Legacies deck list.

CrowOfGames 9

@Lerysh I am curious as to what you would take out to make room for Dagger of Mortis and how many copies you would run. I am tempted to take out Mind Trick or Riposte to shoe-horn one copy into the deck.

Lerysh 127

Probably just straight swap for Rey's Saber.

CrowOfGames 9

Interesting. A few more questions for you... I get the inclusion of Vandalize, also very useful in a mirror match. But I am curious as to your use of Mind Trick and Riposte. How often do either of those really get used? I can see them being big swing cards in a mirror match, so I am wondering if that is why they are included and how you handle mirror matches vs other Obi-Maz decks.

Lerysh 127

Mind Trick is huge. I use it in almost every game I see it. Against a fully upgraded character that rolls 5 dice it removes 2-3 good dice. Against a character with only one upgrade it removes 2 dice. The only time it isn't super great is against vehicles who like to resolve their dice as they roll them. Only reason I don't have 2 is Spot Blue.

Riposte was really on the edge, and then it won me 3 matches in a row. Surprise damage is just good. Riposte over Ataru because I'm mostly trying to resolve 2-3 dice at a time and sometimes keeping shields on Obi is difficult, especially without Shotos.

CrowOfGames 9

Fair enough. Yeah, Mind Trick can be a huge card at times, and so can Riposte. How about the two copies of Overconfidence? 5 spot cards makes me a little nervous. Have you considered Decisive Blow in this deck? Just as safety valve in case someone really rolls something worthy of being wiped. Perhaps Decisive Blow instead of Defend? I understand the use of Hyperspace Jump for wiping things out, just wondering if DB might work as it allows you to wipe out a lot of dice if needed, while still doing damage in return. Would one HJ and one DB be viable? How many vehicle decks are out there that you really need the HJ "eff this turn" button for?

Lerysh 127

Overconfidence just balances out the Easy Pickings spot yellow in my mind. It's too good to cut. The decision came down to "if I cut this, what is better?" And I didn't have a good answer so it stayed in.

I did consider Decisive Blow. I like that card a lot but it does nothing against vehicles or mill where HJ covers basically everything. Also still trying to get my dice in and out using Maz/Speed/Alter, don't have the window for DB to fire. Also also Obi's pay side means DB costs 4 sometimes.

HJ isn't always about "eff this turn", sometimes it's about "my turn is over so now your turn is over too."

CrowOfGames 9

Sounds tight. I don't know how the deck might, or should change, if we ask "if I cut this, what's better?" Other than trying to find a slot for Dagger of Mortis. If I end up playing your deck, or a very slight variation of it at a local SC this weekend I will post here and let you know how it goes. My Obi-Maz deck is a little different than yours, but yours just seems so tight, I might give it a go.

SW_Nerd 20

Any cards you would add now that wotf is out?

Lerysh 127

@SW_Nerd for sure. Dagger of Mortis is obvious include. Control as a one of might be interesting as the force speed 4 resource play. Steadfast is amazing. Propel basically does the same thing as Alter (if I have an Ancient Saber) but also lets me control a support die. There is No Try might be a good replacement for Maz' Goggles. One In The Crosshairs seems good as well. Rigged Detotation for Ripost maybe, as with Maz' vault it's easy for an opponent to get more money than they can spend. Shootout is a possibility to rotate dice to damage then kill the target with Force Speed. Beguile is pretty good removal for a strong economy deck like this one. Dex's Diner maybe to fight against Sabine or Cad if they start getting ahead of me. Lots of options.