YoBacca Returns

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Yoda chewbacca 3 1 1 1.0

Batty76 636

So far 2 local tournaments won.

This deck updated from my previous deck. The idea behind it is badically abusing opponents dice against them and removing abused dice in the same process.

What I like about this, is the fact you have a plan B if you cannot abuse opponents dice. That is of course using damage sides instead.

The deck itself is difficult to pilot so dont expect it to perform straight away. But once you get the hang of it, it is a fecking monster of a deck.

Let me know your thoughts


cards taken out

1 Friends in low places

cards replaced

1 Scruffy looking nerf herder

12 hozzászólás

JBowser 57

Well done. I like this deck very much.

What cards do you mulligan for?

Is there any reason that you don’t run Hyperspace Jump or Double-Dealing?

Batty76 636

The amount of removal in deck you really dont need hyperspace jump. As for double dealing, never used it and what would I take out to replace it. If it works, why change it?

To be honest Im still working that out. So far, any removal, any upgrade (prefer cunning and force speed) early as poss.

John Solo 2

Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder is an awesome card to have in this deck.

Batty76 636

Hey, yes I thought of inserting this too. What did you take out to put that in? Think i might take out friends in low places.

raiden3600 1

@Batty76 I would possibly remove Truce. I didn't feel like I used it much when I tested it tonight vs a 7 Sister Deck. I was gaining plenty of resources through Yoda's chain specialing. I could see where it can be useful though. Maybe remove 1 Mislead to get Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder?

What are your thoughts on replacing Handcrafted Light Bow with one of these:

Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber (unblockable and damage)

Master of the Council (chain special with Yoda to keep activating it in addition to bonus dmg)

Psychometry (Draw cards for more options + remove opponent's die)

Mind Probe (Maybe too pricey, pull out early for special to deal up to 4 dmg if you start first)

Tough Haggler, (Mainly to remove 2 cards and make opponents groan)

Batty76 636

Hello Raiden3600,

Thank you for the comments.

I actually use Truce alot in this deck and having played 20 plus games with it, it is extremely useful early game. I removed 1 friends in low places and put in scruffy and works very well.

As for the other upgrades you suggested, try it and let me know how it works. For me I got the deck how I want it and taking out handrafted is not a good idea, personally. If your going to take out any cards, I would suggest Force Throw...

Obi wan lightsaber - I dont think this would work because if Chewbacca dies its a wasted card and deck dont produce enough shields tocwarrant good use out of it. Also having this in goes away from the idea of abusing opponents dice which is main priority of deck.

Master of the council - too expensive and I really dont see how this would fit in deck.

Psychometry - possible good choice here, try it and let me know. Again, I would suggest swapping it with Force Throw.

Mind Probe - too expensive and not sure if this would fit with deck design, try it and let me know.

Tough Haggler - not sure how this would work. Again test it and let me know your thoughts


raiden3600 1

@Batty76Hmm I'll try replacing the two you mentioned. In regards to the swapping out the Force Throw, I feel that would ruin the deck as the idea is to use their own dice against them. Last night being able to turn to Maul's Lightsaber +4 side and resolve Chewy's special for 4 dmg then throw that 4 dmg back at them was ridiculously powerful. Even more so if I had a Cunning or a second Chewy special.

I'm a bit confused as to what your intent is with the Handcrafted Light Bow, hence why I was suggesting it as something to swap out. Is there no card comparable to it? I was thinking along the terms of using this deck's strength, which is special chaining and I was trying to find things to help keep the removal high to keep dmg off of Yoda.

Batty76 636

I know how the deck works, I built it lol...

Handcrafted is awesome and works extremely well with cunning. It removes opponents shields and damages then. It also gives another option for cunning. It also doesnt need to be played on blue character only.

As for removal... it has 14 removal cards as well as roguish charm, force throw and cunnings to abuse.

All I say is, what ever changes you make and it works for you, then great, go for it. Ive played this deck over 20 times and I like to think I got it where it needs to be.

raiden3600 1

@Batty76 I apologize, it just seemed weird that you would suggest getting rid of force throw, I didn't intend to insult in any way. I just wanted to hear your opinions and train of thought.

Batty76 636

Its cool no worries, no offense received. I think with the current game at the moment there is far too many shields in place.

When ever I have had force throw in play I have pretty much thrown the other in the discard pile where as Ive used both handrafted.

My personal opinion i think handcrafted has more utility (3 damage sides). And force throw only the special.

Thats why I favour the handcrafted more

Batty76 636

I played in a Regional today of 46 players... Won 4 lost 3...

Round 1: Win

Hero Mill - eGeneral Rieekan / ePadme Amidala

I am like most here (I hate Mill with a passion). Anyway, main goal for me here is to get as many upgrades down as soon as possible and I managed to win by Round 3. I had Handcrafted Lightbow, Handcrafted Lightbow and cunning on Chewbacca which pretty much won the game for me.

Round 2: Win

Hero Vehicle - eSecura / eRose / Ezra

This match was pretty easy for me and won quite comfortably. First round I pretty much done 10 damage using opponents Modified Hawk and killed Secura straight away and after that it was a one way street.

Round 3: Loss

Villain: eKylo2 / Mother

This match lasted nearly 35 minutes and was hell of a battle. Dice and Pickups not so friendly my way and it seemed to be very one sided match even though I almost killed both of his. Kylo2 hit the colour pretty much every time he activated even though I had a mixture of colours in hand. In the end I felt this match was very one sided and favoured him much, much more.

Round 4: Loss

Hero: eAayla, eRose, Ezra - Vehicle

This match combined with bad pick ups and bad dice rolls. As you can see I have a lot of mitigation in this deck and I only picked up 1 mitigation card within the first 2 rounds. He on the other hand ramped up vehicles extremely quick. However, I managed to kill eSecura, eRose and done 3 damage to Ezra. I had second chance in play which got Vandelised and Chewbacca died. The last round he god rolled and mitigated my dice so couldn't really do anything other than that. He was an extremely good player.

Round 5: Win

Hero: ePoe2 / Hondo

This was an easy match up and won quite comfortably. With Cunning, Roguish Charm, Cunning, Handcrafted Lightbow and 2 force speeds in play it was a one way train.

Round 6:

Hero: Yoda / Jedha / Jadha (mill)

Another comfortable win and strategy was the same as the first game... get upgrades out as soon as possible. Won match by Round 3 and had 20 cards milled.

Round 7:

Hero: eRey2 / eSecura

This match was extremely poor (worst of the day). A very bad pick up and dice rolls for me. For example: Put back 4 cards and picked up all upgrades that cost 3. However, the opponent had a super start. This match extremely one sided with opponent constantly rolling big damage and not even having to discard to reroll. So it pretty much went like this... Synchronicity x2, Heirlooms x2... Chewbacca pretty much dead first round and having zero upgrades in play and no damage given... I conceded pretty much straight away.

To sum up I think deck performed very well and felt I could of won more if Dice/Pickups were more nicer.

LutanHojef 1

Eh, Force Throw, Yoda, Chewie, and Cunning such a good combo! You can use Chewie's ability twice with Force Throw essentially, and the die is gone. Man that is nasty!