Rey'ngo Unchained-write up included

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kalzarunshackled 8

Designed around the concept of Rey and Han going off and doing Django Unchained instead of Force Awakens. Keep that in mind as a few card choices are based on their names or their effect playing into the theme over optimal card choices. This isn't a tourney competitive deck- but it's not table top either.

Rey - Force Prodigy+ Infamous/Quick Draw+ Ambush Weapon= Three Steps Ahead, but with dice! Even the notorious gunslinger Cad Bane - Vicious Mercenary can only do that holding one gun-that's our Django Unchained angle.

The deck is based on two deck types: The old Ambush+Riposte Rey/Han early game potential of Sabine combo. Here, we want to keep the shields around to protect rey with Protective Mentor and Hold On! and the Sabine combo is expanded on with Rey's ability to generate actions and our ability to reliably play an ambush weapon each turn.

Mos Eisley Spaceport - Tatooine is a huge advantage all through out the game-and only to a deck as specific as this. A 0 upgrade is in every opening hand and equpping to Rey is a free action so it doesn't slow you- even throwing on Protective Mentor before claiming nets you a resource that most decks cant use. Late game we can bounce Ambush Weapons for Rey, or Infamous Hunker Down to save resources for Han.

Even if you massively outpace your opponent, you can use extra turns to discard to reroll to free up hand slots, and playing mostly 0 cost mitigation means you can freely spend resources on Han and the guns.

Force Speed was originally in but 4 actions is one step too far in the same direction. Protecting Rey and Die fixing is what we really need

Overall it's a fun deck to play if you and your friends have a competitive meta that favors creativity over cookie cutter tourney decks. Post any questions if you need!

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