Cad Bane's Military Funding w/ guide

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GenghisDon 100

This deck may not look sexy, but it brings the pain and fast.


Ciena Ree - Adept Pilot - Her dice are some of the most consistent in the entire game. I'd argue that she is a better fit for Cad than Phasma ever was.

Cad Bane - Vicious Mercenary - His dice are powerful but very inconsistent as far as quality per face percentage. He only has a 50% quality side rate and a 33% damage rate, but it's offset IMO because of his unreal inherent special action and 12 HP is a lot to dig through.

Battlefield Rebel War Room - Yavin IV - I feel like I need the extra help for resolving big damage. I Think Starship Graveyard - Jakku could be a better choice though because it would allow me to overwrite a Holdout Blaster with a Holdout Blaster over and over again just for the speed trick with Cad. Might change to this.


F-11D Rifle - Redeploy

Holdout Blaster, LL-30 Blaster Pistol- Ambush - Redeploy

X-8 Night Sniper - Ambush


Astromech - focus sides are really useful with Cad's terrible probability dice

Imperial HQ - Helps with funding the damage


I'm not going to go into detail on every card but the basics are 10 die removal/alteration and then some speed choices.

Bait and Switch: - This card is a game closer. When you have a lot of damage in the pool with + and a Ciena die more than likely with a showing, you can Bait and Switch into lethal damage and resolve before your opponent sees it coming.

Logistics - This is a card you will want to mulligan for. On turn one, it can save you about one round of dice development as it will allow you to not have to hold back on funding your sides, or if you want to gamble, will allow you to play 2 weapons and get into the pool with Cad using 4 dice

Truce and Tactical Mastery are for more speed. you have to be able to activate and claim before dice removal ruins your day.

The unsung hero - Dangerous Mission. This card is very overlooked and shouldn't be. It can be used as a mitigation dice by turning an opponent dice from a good side the might not be able to afford or you can flip a Cad die to his 3/1 side. It is slightly better than I Have You Now IMO because it puts a little more grey in the deck to help against Kylo2.

Best starting hand: Logistics, Tactical Mastery, X-8 Night Sniper, Bait and Switch then something to defend yourself with. Mulligan for a logistics and an ambush gun, the rest will be just fine. Nothing goes without use in this deck.

How to Play

Roll Ciena and hope for s. Claim s. Play an ambush gun on Cad using his special ability, then roll in and if all goes well, resolve damage before your opponent can do anything about your pool.

I discard a lot with this because time is of the essence with this deck since Ciena is so soft and the lack of shields makes for easy hits against it. I would say on average with 2 weapons it brings at least 6 damage a turn and if you have bait and switch handy or Dangerous Mission it's almost 100% you will hit for at least 8 which happens to be enough to kill most low level support types like Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen

1 hozzászólás

GenghisDon 100

Still looking for some input. Am I crazy to think this deck can work? It's been great so far but it hasn't gone against Mill yet.