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Authorn 45
This Deck is designed to help those who roll a lot of blanks. You have Meditate,Power of the Dark Side, and Anger to help with this. You're main goal here is to get as many upgrades on Kylo Ren - Vader's Disciple as soon as possible because Darth Vader - Dark Apprentice will be doing most of the heavy lifting, all of our upgrades cost 2 or less to work with that.
Don't be afraid to take resources, there is not much mitigation in this list, so you will be looking for Rise Again
There are some cool plays that can happen with this deck. Hidden In Shadow then activate with Hate to take off the shield you just gained. Power of the Dark Side with Chance Cube for a 50% chance of doing 2 unblockable damage.
Also, don't be afraid to claim early if you have Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II and change a Darth Vader - Dark Apprentice die to a side.