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vrbulldog22 1

The idea with this deck was to make something specifically designed for multiplayer use (though in reality, if your opponents know that your deck is built for this purpose, you probably just painted a giant crosshairs on yourself, so it's probably futile). There are a ton of cards that have effects like "damage each of AN opponent's characters, but I was aiming to include more of the "universal" cards.

So, in theory: General Grievous - Jedi Hunter gets to steal whatever weapon he wants from any corpse, and Bala-Tik - Gang Leader gets to ready himself anytime anyone dies & let the shooting continue.

Aftermath helps keep money coming in & Local Garrison helps give you a monopoly on resources. Endurance is more likely to be useful since there are more players to target you with removal. Relentless Pursuit is wonderfully vague to allow sniping to let you reactivate Bala. Recon has a lot of dice to target, to hopefully give you those finishing blows. Flank & Persuade assume that you aren't the fastest deck on the table & Pickpocket helps you get to what you need, or simply serves as a bunch of rerolls for all of Bala's activations. Electrostaff doesn't play nice with Bala, but keeps Grievous cheap to operate. Z6 Riot Control Baton doesn't really care where you put it since there are no modifier sides.

**NOTE: this deck is not playtested, as I don't get many chances at multiplayer- it's possible/likely that the deck runs a bit expensive & Aftermath/ Logistics isn't enough to fuel the fire, but I aimed more for "flavor" vs competitiveness for the initial list. I'm also not sure if 10 upgrades is too many for a grievous deck, but also want to make sure Bala get his guns because he could easily be the star of this format. He also probably makes it unlikely that the deck will claim much, so the battlefield may be irrelevant, but again, I aimed to stick with the theme of the deck. I'd imagine Logistics is a mulligan target, as well as at least 1 gun, and potentially hoping you get an Aftermath in there too. Truce is one "each player" card that I don't have in here, but could be helpful in a deck that has twelve 2-3 cost cards- my initial thought is probably removing the Electrostaffs for them if the deck runs too expensive or if 10 ends up feeling like too many upgrades.

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