Flying Vs

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riffbw 1

I promised several people a report when I played this deck so here it is. I'll start by saying I went 0-3 against Palp, Fn/Jango, and eHan/Leia. Wasn't too happy about that. This deck ran slower than expected and Abandon All Hope was a waste. I also hadn't realized the full rule book says draw to hand size so I was limited on cards. Despite the losses, I found this deck a lot of fun and the tech is good, but needs some tweaking. It synergized well and my opponents were noticing how my rolls and their card plays were interacting. The synergy of Vos, Ventress, draw, and discard work so well together. Ventress's ability next to a Vos special actually stopped a couple of rerolls. It really makes the opponent think The removal and control in this deck was solid. There were times I wasn't activating til my opponent was ready to claim because it was all mitigation to avoid some serious damage. After the claim, I had dice to roll and cards to use that allowed me to set up good damage. Ancient Lightsaber would do wonders in this deck too. The extra health would go a long way. Best Cards: Temptation was huge for me. Two cards or two resources in this deck is amazing, especially early. Vos makes this a tough choice. Dark Counsel is a fun card. Drawing and resources for this deck just help. It's an easy overwrite as well. Both of the above have double blanks which make them prime targets for manipulate. Boundless Ambition and No Mercy are still a sick combo made better when you can resolve a Vos special after drawing and then no Mercy the cards in hand. Undecided: Interrogation Droid was great against Palp, but didn't do much the other matches. I do like the card, but the cost can be a bit of an issue in certain matchups and luck situations. Psychometry didn't get enough play to make a ruling on. I need to see more of it, but I like it in theory. Worst Card Abandon All Hope looks so good on paper, but going second most of the time makes it pointless. Opponents tend to play an upgrade making this a wasted card. I'm taking a pair of Shotos instead. Overall, I think there is something here, but it's not tier 1. I'm going to keep tweaking and see what I can make it turn in to.

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