Vader Control

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The Vader Blitz 0 0 0 2.0

2yysforyou 2

Darth Vader - Sith Lord's ability to discard cards synchronizes well with this deck. War-Torn Streets - Jedha and events in here specialize in taking away your opponent's hand, while Vader pounds them with a few upgrades.

The MagnaGuard is a bullet sponge, I don't mind letting him die first, but if my opponent decides to target him first I wait to activate him last and kill him off with a The Price of Failure. Imperial Inspection and Force Choke are some extra control cards, and bouncing an upgrade and making them discard through Close Quarters Assault is hilarious too.

4 hozzászólás

DomAndoline 1

Can you defeat with "The price of failure" what is already defeated ?

MstrBlonde 1

@DomAndolineTechnically MagnaGuard isn't defeated until the round ends, so you can still The Price of Failure and defeat him at your leisure.

DomAndoline 1

@MstrBlonde then if I use Rejuvenate on MagnaGuard before the end of the turn he will not be defeated? Or it's like the Crime Lord's ability?

MstrBlonde 1

@DomAndoline Technically it works like Crime Lord, in that the defeat is inevitable once the card conditions have been met. So like that card, no healing or anything else can prevent the defeat.