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Darik_grey 93
The goal here is to use Finn as a blaster and use Mothma to make Finn hit harder/more accurately with her focus sides. The deck has the ability to produce a decent amount of shields so Disarm is present to deal with Vibroknife. Don't forget also you can use Jetpack's special to remove the Vibroknife die making other Melee damage sides into regular blockable damage. The support suite is here to really pump up the damage output. You want to keep Finn alive with Lone Operative Healing and/or Second Chances while C-3PO coordinates the damage output of the TiE Fighter and the U-Wing. Hero mitigation cards are notoriously situational but cards like Negotiate and Loth-cat and Mouse can save your bacon. The lone Parry is there to also help with Vibroknives and Big Bad Daddy Vader (or the occasional Luke) 3 Melee dice. Finally, you can use the Ascension Gun special to remove a troublesome character die if the opponent's battlefield is in play. Don't forget Mothma's ability to reroll when you play an event. Disarming them can also equal a reroll of one of Finn's dice, which is a form of action-cheating in this deck.