Agro Shields 4-1 (Second Store championship Top 4. No finals

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Agro Shields (Changes after 2ND place@Championship tournamen 8 5 6 1.0
Még nincs.

Steady 182

UPDATED (Jun 15th): I played another store championship this past weekend and made top 4 with this deck again, but i dindn't get to the finals this time. There were 32 players to play 5 rounds, to cut to top 4.

First round: I played against ePalpatine. Very close but got the win after he Rise Again. I noticed that it is always very close match everytime i play vs this deck.

Second Round: I played against ePoe/eMaz. Also, the game was very close, but i had poor rolls, something you CAN'T do against Poe/Maz. BTW, Thermal Detonator is bunkers in this deck.

Third Round:I played against another ePalpatine. This game was fairly easy as my opponet didn't get good rolls and i could agro out Palpatine very fast.

Fourth Round: I played against a eVader/eKylo. For some reason i can't not loose to this deck. I'm undefeated agains this deck. They are always close games (it seems that this decks always does that) but at the end, i get the damage through.

Fith round: I played agaist eVade/eFN. I really liked that deck. He both had a very poor roll game, but my last roll (i rerolled 3 times i think) was like 7-8 unblockable damage. That did it.

TOP 4: 2x Poe/maz, 1x 3Vader/eKylo, and me! I got paired to my friend, who is running Poe/Maz. I won the first game and that gave me lots of confident to go forth. Unfortunately, Poe/Maz did what it does unfair! and beat me the next two games.

Finals were, my friend with his Poe/Maz, against eVade/eKylo. My friend won.

NOTES AND CHANGES AFTER SECOND STORE CHAMPIONSHIP TOP 4: The deck is running well, besides bad rools, it has very good match ups against most of the field right now, being Poe/Maz the toughest. It is still very beatable. I could change Destiny for Return of the Jedi, also Jedi Robes for Force Training and finally, maybe try some Close Quarters Assault, since they seem too be good in this deck (in theory.)

I will not make many changes to the deck, but there will be some. I'm not fully convienced that this deck is right for Destiny. I could change it for Return of the Jedi. It seems awesome to return Guard or Synchronicity in key moments.

After finishing second in a 16 player Championship last week, i took some notes and made few changes to make this deck more agro while still hard to beat.

I thought about just leaving one Lightsaber and change the other one for Jedi Robes for a cheaper upgrade. The reason is that i don't feel i need the Sabers to do damage. Makashi Training can bring those crazy modifiers that add tons of damage quick. However, the Lightsaber can bring redeploy and the 2 unblockable damage and that is more relevant that what the Jedi Robes can bring. I added the second Rey's Staff to make Makashi Training more relevant, but that also makes Destiny a little less effective, but it shouldn't be that bad.

I still have a mix of "one ofs" in the event section, but after another tournament or so i could start getting a better idea which ones i want to cut or double up. Destiny seems to still be important since this deck doesn't produce much resources and lots of events cost 1. For instance, this is very relevant when you spend your resources playing and upgrade but still need to mitigate the very next turn. With Destiny you can still do that for the price of your worst die in your pool.

Finally, i think the reason why this deck performes good agaist Poe/Maz (50-50 maybe) is because the deck is always ready to take damage due to its inherent shield factory. If you can't stop the action cheating, then become tougher to beat while dealing tons fo damage. And that is something Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master and Rey - Force Prodigy know how to do.

For now, i will try it like these, and hopefully i'll test it our in another tournament soon and make more changes if neeeded to.

7 hozzászólás

pantsyg 15

Any consideration for Force Illusion? I've been running 2 in my QG/Rey deck, but can't tell if they're helping me out by letting me live longer or cutting into upgrade slots for things that deal damage.

Steady 182

@pantsyg That is a good question. I can see them replacing Journals of Ben Kenobi but when i think about it, the extra possible damage and extra card that journals give me makes me think twice before replacing them. The cards that i'm interested in trying are: Close Quarters Assault, Force Illution, Return of the Jedi and maybe Force Training, Have you tried any of those yet? (Besides FI) - Also, i'm heavily considering adding a second My Ally Is The Force but i'm a little affraid of its cost if i'm dropping Destiny.

pantsyg 15

Illusion is a double-edged sword in my testing. Against ranged decks it shines, but against Vibroknife decks it's garbage unless you remove the Vibro dice--perhaps something I need to do more in my play. I don't think I'd replace Journals; I really like drawing extra cards for rerolls and it's a solid overwritable card for later turns to help ramp.

I've not tried Destiny in the deck, as I'm loath to give up the consistent damage or shield dice, but I'm going to for my next few events to see how it goes. I'm also tempted to try Return as a 1x to return situationally powerful cards like Guard, Caution, Synchronicity. I don't think this deck is a solid choice for My Ally unless you run Lightbow as well since you're mainly looking to hit QG dice or lightsaber specials if you're able to play them out, which is not always the case, but I could be wrong there. It's possible that the deck wants Lightbow over Luke's Saber since you don't have to play for the sides and none are modified, but you lose out on the 2 double shield options.

Steady 182

@pantsyg Actually I was kinda undecided even though it has always been great when i played it, but that changed when i hit the Force Speed special with it. It wins games. And that is only one more option besides the ones you already mentioned. The first time i used My Ally was on the QG 2shield side. It helped me shield up boths characters right before i claimed the battlefield to get a ping on my opponets character by QG. So it wasn't the most amazing play, but super efficient and probably helped me turn the tables to my side.

The reason why i haven't changed the Sabers for the Lightbow is because of the Unblockable damage. I rather have that in hand than more damage. And it also helps counter my battlefield if i don't claim it, same as the Vibroknifes.

Steady 182

I guess Lightbow could do as much as 2 Unblockable with its second ability. The only thing that it couldnt passed by would be Force Illution. So yeah, Lightbow is a must try at the least.

Dutch Vander 1

@Steady, great stuff man. Some real solid results. I run a pretty much similar deck (I don't use Highground, as I think it is too much of a pain), and I'm now testing with Lightbow. I played against a Poe/Maz deck last night, and the light bow came up huge. I think it really has a home.

Steady 182

@Dutch Vander Yes, i agree that the Handcrafted Light Bow deserves a spot for now. It seems very strong. I will sure give it a try.