Kártyahúzás szimulátor |
0% –
Őtletadó | ||||
Why So Angry? | 17 | 9 | 6 | 2.0 |
Ötletadó | ||||
eVader/eKylo - Store Championship T4 (3rd/18) by ReadyToRole | 30 | 24 | 10 | 1.0 |
Come on Grandad! Top 200 European Championship deck! | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Emotional Breakdown | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Angry at Poe/Maz (1) Clu 1.0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1.0 |
eMo-lennials | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Store Championship - Holbæk | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
We Need to Talk About Kylo (Winner of SC/runner up at other) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Grandad and Grandson - Lisbon (Portugal) Tournament Winner | 24 | 20 | 8 | 1.0 |
You Were My Brother | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1.0 |
New (Emo) Kids on the Block | 3 | 3 | 0 | 1.0 |
joemasilotti 1377
I took this deck to victory at a local 30-person tournament today. 4-1 through five rounds of Swiss and then three rounds of single elimination.
A natural progression from my Kylo/Dooku deck from Awakenings but with a little more aggression to keep pace with the new cards. This deck shines in being able to dish out consistent damage and mitigate damage from the suite.
Overall Strategy
Even with Vader this deck still wants to play slow and control your opponent when possible. Most of the events help remove or flip die and Force Throw/Push help even more.
Don't play any upgrades until you know who your opponent is going to focus on. It really hurts when Vader get's a Sith Holocron to Force Throw and then dies the next round. As expected, play everything but the Lightsabers on the other character.
Play your opening upgrades on Kylo. If your opponent focuses Vader first, as they should, then you can keep everything until the end of the game. If you can somehow encourage them to go for Kylo first then your end-game with Vader will be very strong. It's worth losing a Holocron (even an force upgrade).
This deck can struggle for s, so make sure you are putting both It Binds All Things and Enrage to use. Also, pretty much always take Kylo's side when you roll it.
Battlefield Choice
Mostly for a surprise 3 from Vader's . But it also can help control an extra die from your opponent if Force Throw is on the table.
Look for the following cards, in order of preference:
- Sith Holocron with any blue ability
- It Binds All Things with any blue upgrade
- Enrage with Lightsaber
Don't be afraid to Enrage turn one and play the Lightsaber right after it. Just make sure you know who your opponent will focus on first - play the upgrade on him to take advantage of the redeploy.
Resource Management
You might run into issues if you don't manage your resources well with this deck. Vader lacks any s sides and the two characters together have four paid sides.
It Binds All Things, Enrage, and Sith Holocron all help mitigate this risk. This in turn leads to blue abilities over more weapons or upgrades, like Lure of Power. Second in priority is the "redeploy" keyword helping get double value from each Lightsaber. The lack of Kylo Ren's Lightsaber and Lightsaber Pike should now be obvious.
On top of those cards you should almost always be resolving Kylo's resource sides. These go a long way in allowing you to play upgrades and the one control cards to keep the team alive.
Anger is pretty situational, but you can help force it on yourself with a little planning. Firstly, Sith Holocron has two blanks, so if you have one in play your odds are already quite high. Once you have a single blank showing you can Manipulate another die to open up Anger the following turn.
Thanks to @Scactha
's comment in my previous version for this suggestion! This card can also prove a little situational, but essentially turns a blank die into a focus die. If you have any Vader die on the board focus it into a . Or, if you are playing a vehicle heavy deck, Kylo's can hit hard!
32 hozzászólás |
What do you think of Lure of Power in this? I'm not sure exactly where to put it but I feel it's a strong card. |
Tournament report? |
In Swiss I faced:
Then the cut to top eight:
Great job joe and congratz on the win :) I'm glad Meditate seems to work. Btw, have you tested Dark Presence too? It´s another zero cost Support which seems to tie in well with all the -sides this deck packs. |
Thank you for the write up. I am run something similar except I don't run force push due to the prevalence of "it's a trap" decks. Any thoughts on why you went with Push instead of choke? |
The Force Push adds additional control to a deck that doesn't really need any more damage output. Also, because it costs 3 s it can't be targeted by Imperial Inspection. So if you're using Sith Holocron to cheat it in the cost becomes irrelevant. |
You may have lost to Poe/Maz but I feel like with Kylo's special this deck is one of the strongest counters to that deck since they are bound to have expensive items in their hand. |
I ran a deck almost identical to this but threw in a couple of datapads. Helped run some killer combos of specials and when it didn't it got me resources and blanks to help throw out Anger twice. |
Instead of the Makashi Training would you add a Lure of Power for the extra modified sides (albeit with a +1, +1, +2 as opposed to +1, +2, +2) or a force power such as Mind Probe or Force Speed? Really appreciate your thoughts. |
How did overconfidence work for you? |
I took out the 2 Enrage and I also play #Force Speed instead of Force Choke. Ramps the action. |
I would replace the Force Choke with a Force Speed and the Force Push with either a Lure of Power or a Mind Probe. The extra blank on the Lure of Power can help with Anger and Meditate so I would remove one Manipulate and play two Anger. |
Why did you not add the Command Shuttle? It would alow you use the vader and kylo more than once and you could use the battle field with it. |
Do we not own Kylo's Lightsaber? Cause I feel like we want a Kylo's Saber in here instead of Force Push. |
That is a great point. |
I agree with Joe. I have been toying with my own version of ekylo eanakin and it doesnt need force speed. |
Ive gone a slightly different path. Instead of mikashi and vibroknife i went with force training and immobilize. Mostly because other cards are tied up in other decks lol but i found its been working pretty decently. the shields give a pretty decent buffer for anakins ability and enrages. I stick with force push too because i feel the deck wants the control over more damage. Its pretty consistent on damage. |
I'd say this mid-range version doesn't gain from Force Speed, but the aggro does. On the whole I think there's more risk going mid-range due to Resource concerns, which is illustrated by the reliance of the various cost reduction cards. Aggro can function on Holocron only, accelerate by FS and capitalize more on Meditate due to more and cheaper dice generators. We gain some and lose some. |
I would use a Kylo Ren's Lightsaber in this deck... if you think about it, it has 4 damage sides which is amazing, and the fact that you can take out shields with it's makes it even better especially against eRey/eQui-Gon if you don't have vibroknife yet... |
Yeah I have been playing this deck or my version alot. It's incredibly consistent damage wise. Really enjoying it. |
Cool to see your insights. Thanks. |
On the contrary does Kylo's sabre fit well as the threat order is very clear - Anakin is the bigger threat by a huge margin, meaning Kylo can build up in peace. There's little to no reason to ever put an expensive thing like that on Ani. |
You'll tell me what these changes look like;) |
I need this deck!!! |
I will definitely try this deck but I will take 2 Makashi Training out for 2 Force Focus for more ressources and mitigation and also replace the 2 Lightsaber for 1 Heirloom Lightsaber and 1 Maul's Lightsaber because they do more damage with no ressource cost and Maul's Lightsaber power action is great ! Last, i will replace No Mercy by The Power of the Force. |
Hmm i really like Command Shuttle in this deck. Why not throw x2 in? Just curious.