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Mono Red Hero Budget (No Legendaries) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Need more red gunz | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Mono Red ITS A TRAP! (High Win Rate, New List) | 33 | 25 | 19 | 1.0 |
Leaders of Rebellion | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Pearl Yeti 977
Check out www.artificery.com for both online and PDX local Destiny events.
Originally inspired in December from an opponent on Tabletop Simulator, which I believe may have been inspired by the original Military Catfishing. Nods aside, this deck has been heavily modified over time to the lean and mean fighting machine you see today. It's latest achievement was taking 1st in an 18 person tournament, taking down 3 Jango/Veers and 2 Jango/Trooper/eBala. If your meta is villain ranged aggro heavy, this is THE DECK for you. Enjoy.
Opening Hand
Versus ranged aggro, you're looking for your DH-17 Blaster Pistol, It's a Trap!, and a Hit and Run if you can manage it. Throw DH-17 Blaster Pistol on someone, activate Admiral Ackbar, and hope your opponent rolls some ranged damage. If so, Hit and Run Leia Organa, and It's a Trap!!!!! This deals 8 damage, taking out no-shield Bala-Tik and getting General Veers and Jango Fett close to death.
Versus control heavy decks, I tend to look for a Scout in my opening hand. Using its will hinder control decks, and its will get rid of those pesky cards.
Early Game
Don't be afraid to use Logistics to grab up an extra . Early game is the safest time to use it, and getting a little ahead on resources really lets your events shine for the rest of the game.
Mid-Late Game Combos
Daring Escape and It's a Trap! work beautifully together, as Daring Escape can find you for It's a Trap!, even on decks that rarely show such as Vader/Raider.
I tend to activate Leia Organa first, as removal tends to focus on Admiral Ackbar's . If you have an All In and Hit and Run in hand, roll out Leia Organa, then Hit and Run Ackbar and play All In. Use to find , and resolve away.
!!! Important !!!
Do not be afraid to throw away cards you cannot use in the current or next round. This means if your opponent claims, you SHOULD discard to re-roll or discard at end of round Dug in and Defensive Position. This lets you dig faster for your combo cards, and ensures you have an answer in hand for whatever is coming up next.
Defensive Position is worth playing as long as it removes one dice, so play it aggressively. I use it to remove dice that aren't yet threatening but may be re-rolled into a big threat, like Force Throw showing a 2 . Against Hero Red or Villain Red decks, use it even faster as both decks have solid ways of taking additional actions.
Resolve quickly. Do not leave it sitting on the table as it will get controlled away. Make sure to try and leave more than 1 unmodified showing, even if that means you're paying a resource to resolve it.
Comlink is only ever used defensively to re-roll an opponent's dice. If it is dire and you don't have enough to play it, you can rewrite one of your blaster upgrades. This may sting, but its better to overwrite a soon-to-be-lost upgrade and have a survive another turn.
Heal and early in the round. There are many ways to throw surprise damage in Destiny, Riposte and Armed to the Teeth are two solid examples. Do not find yourself where you lose a while having a Dug in or Field Medic in hand.
Ackbar's ability does not say "may"! If you forget the two damage, it can still be applied later on. Opponent being squirly about this? Get a judge. I very rarely use Ackbar's , but if he is showing it and your opponent is down to 1 card, use it. It is the only time Ackbar ever does 2 damage.
Killing Veers Round 1
So you've got tons of luck and want to pull off the most hilarious combo in this deck? Great. Killing General Veers round 1 is doable, enough so that it is worth shooting for. Go for my suggested aggro opening hand, but mulligan to try and find an additional DH-17 Blaster Pistol. Throw it on Ackbar, and then roll him out. You are praying for a . If you get it, great! Resolve it and give Leia the other DH-17 Blaster Pistol. Now you just need to do the usual It's a Trap! shenanigans to kill off that pesky General.
If Ackbar fails to roll a resource, yet you have a Rearm in hand, discard the blaster you would give Leia to re-roll Ackbar. You'll use the Rearm next turn to give Leia the blaster for free.
If you didn't find a second DH-17 Blaster Pistol but instead found a Rearm and a Promotion you're in luck! Give Ackbar the Promotion and roll him out. Draw a card, hopefully drawing into It's a Trap! or Hit and Run. Discard DH-17 Blaster Pistol to re-roll Ackbar. Rearm Leia with the DH-17 Blaster Pistol. And commence blasting.
Battlefield Choice
I used Frozen Wastes with this deck for about a month. Since you do a decent job of claiming first, it usually worked in my favor. However, with control heavy 2 decks like certain Vader/Raiders, I was finding my Frozen Wastes turned against me all too often. While it would work well in the early game, once I had killed a my opponent would often claim early, removing a 2 or the unmodified I needed.
Mos Eisley Spaceport works well for a few reasons. First, it gives no one a major advantage each round by claiming it. Yet it still has utility in the deck. Using it to grab up a DH-17 Blaster Pistol off a soon-to-be-dead is a great play, especially if you still have It's a Trap! to draw on. It can also be used to recycle Comlink for more defensive re-rolls. Another solid play is grabbing up a Promotion from a more damaged , to play an IQA-11 Blaster Rifle the next round on your less damaged - much better than rewriting the Promotion.
Tournament Results
- 1st Cloud Cap Games 1/27
- 1st Red Castle 1/31
- 2nd Red Castle 2/7
27 hozzászólás |
+1 i also thinks frozen wastes is better here. |
1.) Scout is sloooooow. Sure, it may help with knocking out cards, but it doesn't push you forward in your own goals: killing off people. I am playing two commando raid presently, which I use to clear their hand and get some errant damage. It has been very good. Sure, Scout works with Rearm and all that jazz, but it's just too low impact overall. I do not miss it. 2.) We all know red hero is lacking in die removal/manip. To this end I am playing 2x Rey's Staff over IQA. IQA is slow and unreliable. Sure, you can overwrite and rearm, but it's just not as good of a card as Rey's Staff--even with being melee. It has three damage side. I play Rebel War Room, which is great in rush resolution. It also helps to make that one +1melee side on Promotion less of a drag. I tend to get the most bang I can out of my Leia and whatever upgrades I get on her. I have played this in my league and haven't lost a game yet. |
Every side of Scout is immediately usable, and I rarely use re-rolls or to fix it. If your opponent is sitting on 2 , the 2 is worth using to slow down their ramp or cripple that round's removal and answers. The side helps get Ackbar rolling, especially on those important All In plays. Lastly, the is great to use before you spend a turn using to find sides. At the least, you'll get rid of a cheap event, like Probe. And if you're lucky, you'll sniff out a possible Dodge so you don't waste all your dice after a turn. IQA-11 Blaster Rifle's utility comes into play in not only It's a Trap! damage, but also in its 's ability to get around shield stacking opponents. Given the low cost of events and upgrades in this deck, I usually have an IQA out on whichever character is the secondary target by the 3rd round. |
IQA-11 Blaster Rifle is something I don't want to cut, but it just is so iffy. My deck is all about tempo and optimization. I don't require another red die for It's a Trap!; I have 4 dice for my peeps, DH-17 Blaster Pistol, Promotion, etc. Again, tempo. Rey's Staff is not ideal, but cost-wise, damage-wise, and manip-wise, it does more than IQA-11 Blaster Rifle and helps shore up some of the deficits. It's worth mentioning I also play Survival Gear--which I usually drop in Jango/Veers or other high damage yield matches to get shields. It's just a solid utility card. This might come down to playstyle, but I can tell you with certainty: I do not miss IQA-11 Blaster Rifle nor Scout. |
It's better to remove a card that could potentially take away one or more dice, rather than putting more damage which will just get removed. He Doesn't like you, defensive position, use the force, electroshock, force isolation are all targets that can mess up your damage potential if you are showing mostly modifier sides. If you can take out a take cover, defensive stance or dug in, it's effectively 1-3 damage on it's own. Just because it's not direct damage, doesn't mean it doesn't contribute to the aggressive style of the deck. |
Did you face any melee decks? How you deal with them if you are geared towards guns.. By the way I love the deck. |
Played and loved it, awesome deck, felt a bit the lack of red gunz wich i hope we will get with next set. |
I have done another week of games in league and in testing, 13 in total with the deck--my version--and dropped one game to a god roll Jango/Veers that was two damage away from dying. I am really liking Rey's Staff a lot. I think the key difference in our builds is I am whole hog on trying to win by turn 5-6 at latest. There is no contingency. I want to deal 6+ damage each full round and manage to do so. |
Rey's Staff, with the resource is a reliable three point bonk when you All-In, same as IQ, but cheaper and not dependent on another die for its modifier. The die removal is what this deck is lacking, and this gives us that option in spades. Sure, it's less stuff to Rearm, but Rearm is not what's breaking games wide open. I use it on Promotion and DH to push rerolls as needed. I like Survival Gear over Scout bc it gives me the focus, has no misses, and also shields, those beautiful, beautiful shields. I can't count the times having 1-2 shields has made a gigantic difference in a game, esp. with so few HP in this build. Commando Raid continues to spam and damage as needed. I typically get one off a game, it can wipe a player building toward a recovery or bigger damage turn. It cycles, so you can keep reroll aggression and potential defense up. And that 2 damage is often the difference in a win or loss. Having discard come at a 3 value is pretty substantial. It can catch a player on an awk roll with no rerolls. It can eliminate control cards en masse--though less selectively. Sure, I would rank it as a flex card, but man oh man, this is such a nice little tool in the box 9/10. |
Thinking -1 comlink -1 daring escape and -1 ???? I don't know what to remove... thoughts? |
I hate this deck so bad.. i received the most sound beatdown of my young Destiny career this week at Rainy Day Games from it. |
Keep practicing the matchup and maybe shake-up your strategy. Lately I've been taking a more control approach to Vader/Raider and working to mulligan up for Scout. Using it to get out the control cards like Isolation and Electroshock really slows down the control against you. I do a little dance each time I Scout out a Backup Muscle. And if you're patient and your opponent makes a (what seems to be fairly common) slip, you can Scout out that darn Sith Holocron right after they have swapped it for a new ability. Once you've got Scout out, work to get out your IQA. This might take some overwriting of another blaster, and in this matchup that is okay. You've now got out at least 2 dice with Specials on it, so your It's A Trap is going to be much more consistent. Dealing 2 damage, discarding a card, and seeing your opponent's hand for 1 resource is a strong play and most don't see it coming. |
With Spirit of Rebellion, which way would you change this deck? Lots more firepower with Overkill, Rocket Launcher and alt A180 blasters? Wing man quicker activation? Planetary Uprising seems logical for quick claiming. Even quicker if Scarif secret facility used? Also, have consider if Mon Mothma to replace Ackbar? Lose his range but more focus and ability to reroll red die with red events more often used? Need lots of testing of course |
Ho Boy. It is about time to dust off this old deck and get it out into the meta! Ranged has made quite the come back in SoR recently, time to punish them! I have my experimental deck list ready to go and will post it up once I have a tournament result with it! |
Needs updating with Spirit of Rebellion, replacing Ackbar with Mon Mothma. Lose the shooting but better focus. Ability to reroll dice with playing events is useful, triggers more often than Ackbar's. |
Have you tweaked this deck with any cards from the Empire at War set? |
Can you explain battlefield choice? I play a lot of this combo and I found I very often do claim the battlefield, so i'm using either Echo Base, Frozen Wastes or Imperial Armory. Can't really decide what's best.