Kártyahúzás szimulátor |
0% –
Őtletadó | ||||
Top Guns | 4 | 4 | 5 | 2.0 |
Ötletadó | ||||
Hyperloop Mill | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.0 |
Never Tell Me The Odds | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Hyperloop | 1 | 0 | 5 | 1.0 |
Alternative Loop | 5 | 2 | 0 | 1.0 |
Poedme Hyperloop | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1.0 |
Poe Guns Guns Guns! | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Poe's Gang | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Belt Loop | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1.0 |
tropoFarmer 794
As of May 8 2017 (see v1.3 of the Destiny FAQ) the Hyperloop is no longer a viable deck. RIP sweet prince.
The crux of this deck is to pull out Millennium Falcon and Hyperspace Jump as quickly as possible in order to lock down your opponent.
- You want to see Millennium Falcon and Hyperspace Jump. If you see one, keep it and mulligan the rest. If you see neither, do a full mulligan.
- Hopefully you roll your , but if not, worry not!
Turn 1
- Roll out a Hired Gun. Your goal is to get 1 this turn, if you're playing your battlefield.
- Play cautiously, resolve 1.
- Roll out Poe, claim Emperor's Throne Room, turn to , and resolve the Millennium Falcon's 2 side. This puts you to 5 . Now you can play the Millennium Falcon on turn 1 via Poe Dameron's ability, putting you in a great position.
The Hyperloop
- Depending on how the initial roll goes, you either want to setup Millennium Falcon or play Hyperspace Jump. Assuming you have the ultimate hand and have Millennium Falcon in play and Hyperspace Jump in hand. If this is the case, you have the makings of an excellent Hyperloop.
- You should have claimed in round 1 to play your Millennium Falcon. In most subsequent turns roll out the Millennium Falcon firstly. If you have a healthy double-Cunning Hired Gun in play, roll that first instead.
- Your turns should consist of:
- Roll Millennium Falcon
- If your opponent rolls badly, roll Poe Dameron. Hope for a in order to do damage via Launch Bay or Thermal Detonator sides.
- If they roll great and your character may be seriously weakened or killed then claim, changing your Millennium Falcon to special, and using it to play Hyperspace Jump for free, ending the action phase. (Here is where the frustration happens, as your opponent's 9 from Jango Fett/General Veers is left useless.)
- Repeat
Ways to Win
- damage. The devastating combo of Millennium Falcon 3/4, Launch Bay with two sides, Poe Dameron for damage, and the three(!) 3/1 sides on Poe Dameron and your Hired Gun makes this the easiest path to victory.
- I've lost a twice to Jabba the Hutt/Count Dooku. Lesson learned: them first! This will most likely be any Jabba the Hutt opponent's strategy against this deck, particularly for trying to get your Millennium Falcon into your discard pile. This can be mitigated by a well timed Scavenge (which can also save your ass via the Millennium Falcon , allowing you to pull a card back into your hand), but be aware. The 3 on the Millennium Falcon and the side on Launch Bay, along with the 1 on the one or two Cunning that you have on a Hired Gun should do the work. As always, Hyperloop till you have the opportune moment, then !
- Your starting health of 30 is stupendous--the highest in the game. However, to survive the onslaught of Luke Skywalker/Admiral Ackbar or Jango Fett/General Veers you'll need help.
- Play smart and hyperloop generously till you get opportune rolls. Bide your time by playing cards like Hunker Down and play/overwrite into Second Chance when your opponent least expects it.
- Second Chance is your best friend for survivability. Use your Millennium Falcon or Cunning to play Scavenge for free, then use that to pull Second Chance from your discard. Do this repeatedly as needed to keep your Hired Gun alive. I've had games where I've done this 3x on a single Hired Gun. The combo of that, Hunker Down, and the Launch Bay allowed a single Hired Gun to withstand 30 damage on its own! I ended up winning this game via .
- The combination of your 30 starting health, Dug in, Field Medic, and a pair of Second Chance should give you a huge amount of staying power.
- This is a seriously annoying deck to play against. Please apologize profusely at the start of the game. In fact, I fear that this semi-abusive combo could turn off new players. Keep your maniacal laughter to games with friends.
- Hyperlooping works well for building up the needed to deploy Launch Bay or multiple Second Chance. If that happens, you're golden. I've won with Poe Dameron WITH NO DICE (Prized Possession), Millennium Falcon, and Launch Bay, and two defeated Hired Gun. It's very hard to stop.
- Be wary of the mill. Using Scavenge or Don't Get Cocky to see your Millennium Falcon can have game-ending repercussions.
- On the flip side, the mill can be your friend. If you don't see a Millennium Falcon till late game, this might be your best bet to victory. Keep your Hired Gun alive with Second Chance and stack them with Cunning. Hopefully that, Launch Bay, and Millennium Falcon can lead to very powerful .
- Upgrades are meant purely to support specials or keep your team alive.
- The combination of round lockdown, Poe , and Hired Gun's strong throughput should seal the deal.
- Consider swapping both Logistics for two Holdout Blaster and ditching a Scavenge for an Electroshock. TinyGrimes suggested this to me, and I'm going to test it out. The Holdout Blaster contribution to your potential may be too good to pass up.
- Per comments below, consider including Play the Odds or Smuggling to facilitate resource generation. However, Hyperlooping will provide you with tons of bucks to play the Launch Bay or Second Chance in your hand. Also consider Ambush cards like Hit and Run or Infamous to get additional action economy before hyperlooping.
47 hozzászólás |
@Wosho is right in my opinion. This sounds good on paper. But in a game against a competent opponent running a really fast deck I don't see this working out as well as your comments outlined above make it seem. it does look like a really fun casual deck. Maybe I'm wrong though, I would love for this to be a viable competitive deck. Most competent players I play with tend to save their control cards to disrupt handshake combos like this one. The falcon and Poe are the only two die you really have to worry about in your deck and I can see them getting controlled almost every turn. This deck does have a lot of health though and I've run some variants on this same lineup. My most successful one just consisted of tons of blasters, with the health it can be deadly. |
I've beaten Jango Fett/General Veers in most of the games I've played against it (granted, not that many), but I don't know a faster deck that that. |
I've also done crazy things like putting two Cunning on a single Hired Gun, along with a Second Chance. It will be difficult to control both copies of Cunning. Then, when the Hired Gun is near death after the first Second Chance is discarded, overwrite one of the Cunning with my other Second Chance. |
I think you underestimate the strength of your firepower. I tested this out a bit. Your characters tend to roll high enough that you are likely to start off at Emperor's Throne Room. In the first game your opening hand had both Millennium Falcon and Hyperspace Jump! It took dedication of resources nonetheless to get that turn1 falcon off. I was just as lucky to have Hyperspace Jump in my opening hand as well so keeping the combo up required lucky rolls and with a relatively small dice pool, control was a thing. However, even if the big vehicles get dealt with, Poe Dameron and Hired Gun can put up high damage dice. I didn't fully play out games. I mostly just played with the combo because it seemed interesting. |
Poe and Hired Gun have a lot of potential damage yes. But there just aren't enough threatening ranged dice out there. So a smart opponent controls the big support die and Poe's die and cunning die all the while put those hired guns down first. Their die all alone cost money to do damage. Poe can do 2 for free or 3 for one cost. So if you are saving up your resources to play falcon you won't be willing to let the blasters fly. There are a lot of control cards out there and I try to have as many of them as possible. I'm sure most competitive decks will have a fair amount of removal with the popularity of aggro decks currently. |
Don't forget that Millennium Falcon has a 3 side, which will eliminate many control options. |
Looks interesting, I hope to try it out on the weekend. I did some "blind draws" and played the deck without an opponent. Based on that I felt if it got going it was lights out for the other team. However, it felt that it would suffer if it got a bad draw and if you go second you need to get the Hyperspace Jump out in play to claim your battlefield. Have you playtested it with a rubbish draw or your opponent going first at all? |
Once you get your hyperloop working, how does this deck win? It seems like you can prolong games against Jango/Veers, but I don't understand how you deal damage faster than they can. Are you basically waiting for them to make a bad roll, plink off 3 damage or so, then reset with a Jump? |
How do you feel about Smuggling instead of Strategic Planning? It might be nice to get some more consistent resource generation, so you can guarantee having the resources for a turn 1 Falcon |
This deck is hilariously good and makes people rage quit TTS. All the people saying it only looks good on paper need to give it a shot because now I'm on the hunt for the only 2 legendaries I'm missing...Launch Bays and Thermal Detonators. |
This deck is about the Millennium Falcon making Hyperspace jumps. How is this not called the Kessel Run? |
Just built this deck and I'm really excited to try it out. I'm missing a Launch Bay and 2 Thermal Detonator so I subbed in a Black One (Vehicle and it has a decent Special) and 2 IQA-11 Blaster Rifle (Special is ok with 2 unblockable damage). Would you recommend other options? Thanks again for the deck. |
I've been running this combo in a variety of decks. I personally find eRey eHan the better shell to run it out of, but I've ran a similar Poe build in the past. People seiously underestimate this combo. |
What do you think about an alternate take on this as a a mill deck? With Hyperloop, you're now forcing your opponent to use event cards to control your dice, spending resources and their cards. That only makes it easier to mill them out. Brewed up an idea: swdestinydb.com |
Got creamed by elite Bala-Tik/Jango Fett/First Order Stormtrooper. Bad draw, bad rolls, great opponent. |
This deck is in dire need of some ambush so you can take two actions before having to claim the battlefield to end the turn. |
Hit and Run and It's a Trap seem like they could fit in. Unpredictable would be a nice little spot answer/second shot at hitting a special. |
This deck looks absolutely savage. |
This deck can be awful to play against, get a good dice roll and you'll get it taken away from you by hyperloop. It seems strong against Jango decks but less so against Luke/Vader decks. |
Re your Turn 1, how can Emperor's Throne Room affect a die that's not active yet? |
Duh, I see now, it's using Poe. Sorry. |
I posted this earlier on a similar deck list, so please ignore the references to "the other deck," as I am in fact crediting the deck here: Met with a buddy today to test specifically against this archetype--not this particular one. Here are my thoughts. Is it a thing? Yes. Do I think it is a tournament viable deck/strategy? Not at the moment. Here is why: 1.) It is draw dependent. Very draw dependent. In the first list posted, a number of cards are contingent on, and assume, you are up and running. Sure, the deck can zig and zag, but the prior list in particular was lacking in mitigation, and therefore if things didn't go according to plan, it puts the Looper in a bad spot. 2.) There are a number of snazzy cards in the game that ARE more tourney viable that allow you to circumnavigate the loop. I played my 3 trooper/raider deck and things like Tactical mastery, coupled with a decent roll, allowed me to slowly kill off dudes. This deck also plays cards like He Doesn't Like You, Flank, The Best Defense..., and Electroshock, which can help to interrupt the loop--though they can Strategic Planning out of it here and there. 3.) Disrupt results can put the screws to the early set up for sure. I played as Looper against Jabba/Dooku and it was miserable. A forty minute slog, which I won, but that brings me to my last point: 4.) The deck has two issues that a relatively smart player can exploit often enough: a.) it is slow, very slow. Rounds are 35 mins in events, which mean that spending time to set this up and then turtle as needed isn't a complimentary strategy to the tourney format AND b.) in all this mucking about, you actually have to get a win condition on the table. Yes, the deck has some heavy hitting cards like Launch Bay and Millennium Falcon, and some neat tricks like Thermal Detonator, but it isn't the best at playing early aggressor AND building toward the loop. My end analysis, at present, is that the deck is more annoying and interesting than it is viable. I hope that we do not see amendments made to the card like in some of the LCG games, which, in my professional opinion, show a lack of proper development and future proofing. Either way, it is certainly not an enjoyable experience, per se, but it is a "thing" nonetheless. |
Funny moment: my opponent had 5 cards in hand and Mind Probe on the table. I played Don't Get Cocky three times (once in my hand, once with Cunning , to Millennium Falcon , and another Millennium Falcon . I was about to claim Emperor's Throne Room for 11 damage, but his killed the Hired Gun to which they were attached with his next action. :( |
Against this - I'll run a Jabba/Crime Lord deck. Turn 1 - if you are first player, I'll just "claim". Then from that point on, I'll accumulate resources, get Crime Lord out there, and resolve it against you. "I'll just claim" is the counter to this hyperloop crap. |
Trying to build this deck to play at home, is their an updated list? |
Tom B : I'll just claim allows you to not be looped, sure, but Poe and theGuns can just roll out and pay for damage to kill you. You think you can get 3 crime lords (19 resources, 10 rounds) without dying? |
Hi! How is this deck performing in current meta? |
I'm still missing one Thermal Detonator , what could I swap for it? |
My eFinn/Poe deck is a high attack deck, and has beat the Bader Raider deck a few times. Check it out, and maybe use some cards like using or rocket launcher. They can go far. |
Overall, I like this team. |
Sorry, typo. The Vader Raider team. |
I am making a spin off of this team called the Kessel Run, thanks |
LukeCSkywalker, 9page images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com You can't decrease or increase value of specials. |
What if You stumble upon a deck with electroshock/flank/he doesnt like You/ force throw etc?