Sister Sledge

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Esély: 0% – 0% tovább
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Kylo Nights 4 2 1 1.0
Kylo/Sisters 1 1 0 1.0
Sithter Sithter 0 0 2 1.0
Sisters From Another Mister 1 1 0 1.0
Night Kylo 1 0 0 1.0
Conde Dooku y Kylo Ren 0 0 0 1.0
Kylo + Sisters 0 0 0 1.0
Goth Kids 2.1 0 0 0 1.0
Blue Power Villain 0 0 0 1.0

Peacelord 1155

Watch this for an indepth explanation of Sister Sledge and how to play it!!

30 hozzászólás

Drouste 1

Nice deck, but why not playing "It Bind All Things"?

Peacelord 1155

Yeti, that's a solid card and could go in here! I'd potentially trade it in for the enrage or intimidates. Main reason I didn't is Sith Holocrons were just working so efficiently i'd rather use those for resource econ, since they work on everything except the lightsabre anyway, and those two slots are precious! Intimidate is so good against all the Han and Quai Gon that's out there too, i'd rather have that to be able to kill than save more resources when playing upgrades.

Drouste 1

Why not trade for "Feel Your Anger"? This card dont seem that powerfull, isnt it? I agree for Sith Holocron, that made the deck, but if you dont have it in starting hand, IBAT is a good alternative.

Peacelord 1155

Oh, Feel Your Anger is HUGE! Probably one of the best control cards for villain force; no way that's going! Turning a two blanks and two anything sides roll by an opponent into just two blanks and losing those other two anything dice?! That's monster...and with Nightsister reroll, you can get those blanks that make Feel Your Anger even more playable. Seriously, Feel Your Anger is brilliant; don't take this out!

Peacelord 1155

  • in addition, you have two reusable ability dice that directly turn dice to blank sides in immobilize and Force Choke; and there's Use The Force in a pinch. Feel Your Anger is the business in this deck.

Reklawyad 65

Played something very similar tonight, the only thing I would take out is the enrage, not sure I like those enough with the way Holocron runs it's not really needed. So I would put in the other Force Throw and Force training for the Enrage.

Peacelord 1155

Reklawyad that sounds like a solid change; especially as more of that will power control, damage and Power Of The Force. I'll get testing with that change!

Reklawyad 65

If I get to go out on Wednesday I'll let you know how it performs as well!! I also threw in a Kylo Lightsaber vs a Regular Lightsaber, other than missing that redeploy it seems about equal.

Peacelord 1155

Yep, another fine card to chuck in; an additional legendary so upping the cost of the deck, but the normal lightsabre (if you dont have Kylos) works great still. Let me know how it works!

Reklawyad 65

Went 3-0 tonight with the deck as described above with the following changes - took out the two enrages put in Force training and Force Throw, and since I have a Kylo Ren Saber I took out one normal Lightsaber for it.

I'm on the fence on the hidden in shadows. They didn't seem to be that great since you can't keep building up the shields. It does help get three upgrades out on the board faster so you could have the potential for a total of nine on one of your dice if you get really lucky but I think something else could go in for it instead.

I played against a Kylo Sister Raider, he favored the yellow cards. second game was Jango Trooper Trooper, that deck had some good combos against me and it was literally down to be wire. I had a NO Mercy to kill his last Trooper after killing Jango.

Last match was Vader Raider. He got a turn 2 action to kill one of my sisters, but I was able to get out Force Throw and started throwing Flamethrowers at Vader!! I can't believe how nasty Vader can be with that discard and his three damage... ugh!!

Still pulled out the wins and feel very confident with the deck. My biggest issue is Kylo as your opponent can play around his special by either pitching the high cost cards to re-roll. Mulligan to get Sith Holocron is the best play IMO.

Peacelord 1155

Love it! Really cool report on your games too! Yeah, Hidden Shadows would be out if it didn't make Power Of The Force insanely good... I'm trying out builds with It Binds All Things in currently as it can quickly mean stupendous amounts of dice by turn 3 if you got a Holocron or both on the go as well!

Reklawyad 65

Yeah I went ahead and made my own version called it Kylo Twisted Sister hahaha I'm thinking of changing it up a bit with taking out a sister and putting in Bala Tak or a Tusken but the instant I do that the Power of the Force doesn't seem to be as powerful as I'd bring in some Yellow upgrades. I'll try my version with the Power of the Dark side so I can get more rolls out of Holocron to get the special into play. Worse comes to worse I get to do 2 unavoidable to someone!

Cbosox12 44

So I play this as my sparring deck against my eJango/eVeers and I cannot for the life of me get this deck to win. The damage output from Jango and veers is so quick and unforgiving that even manipulating dice still leaves damage to be taken out on the table. Any suggestions? The issue I'm seeing is the speed factor. The power of the force is great, but it takes time to build up those upgrades and using the sisters to re-roll is a nice option, but its basically a free roll for them, and then it's their turn + you take 1 damage on an already squishy sister. Any suggestions? I really do love this deck. I have used it since day one so please don't take this as a shot at your build. I may just be playing it wrong, although I don't see any other way?

Peacelord 1155

Heya Cbosox! Yes in the rapidly emerging meta, I've been playing with some adjustments to manage opponents rolling multiple damage dice results at once. This list is good at manipulating individual dice and breaking up chains, but if two or more black results that can start a chain, it becomes very difficult. Add in more multiple dice disruption (eg Disturbance in the force) and make use of shields more... You need to Mulligan for Immobilise for sure. This will help the sisters stay alive as well If you are focusing on shielding and surviving the first couple of rounds and building your abilities up until you get more control options on the board or kill Jango off.


I played this deck a lot, was my first deck, so first of all THANKS for the good job done here (actually I'am playing a mix of this and of Reklawyad's version: kylo's saber is in, rage is out, 2 probe and 2 force throw are in but had to put back the 2 Hidden in The Shadow to TRY to hold aggros, so Power of the Dark Side is out).

This is a fun and strong deck BUT I won't play it anymore sadly... was able to manage eJango/eVeers only with OPTIMUM openings, but even with perfect hands is so tough, especially in 35 minutes. If my hand is not good (no holocron and no immobilise!) there is no way to hold aggros... had to agree with Cbosox12... SADLY.

I'm posting this to help other interested in this (strong) list and to discuss in the future eventual changes to make it competitive. At this moment it's not, also considering how many players are copying jango veers... :-/

AGAIN, thanks for the work done explaining everything! So appreciated.

Cbosox12 44

Currently, eJango/eVeers is almost unbeatable by any deck if he lands god rolls/early jetpacks. If he can put out jetpack in the first round you can almost guarantee at least 5-7 damage per round. it's insane. It's also an easy deck to build as there are no legendaries needed so the cards are easily available to buy from singles vendors.

Reklawyad 65

I decided to switch from this mono blue to a Kylo, Siste, Raider... the addition of the Muscle helps get out more damage as well as you can include some nasty yellow events as well. The problem I am having is justifying what cards to take out to put the backup muscle in as well as such electroshock.

I've been wanting to run a Vader so I actually changed over to him with Raider, but I still think this could be a viable deck.

I'm going to test against my Veers/Jango tonight with adding in Mind Trick, and possibly hunker down for the extra shield protection. With both decks I was having some issues of making power of the Force work really well.

Sometime it would land perfectly get me a 6 when I have those out on the board, but I wasn't seeing anything over a four for upgrades sometimes. I'll have to check it again tonight.

Will post result later

Peacelord 1155

Update: my feeling with mono force villain right now (Awakenings only released) is that there isn't enough multi dice control options to hold back really fast aggro decks (basically, Jango) so I wont be making any more revision on this baby until the next set hits! Mono anything is harder when only a limited pool, but Sister Sledge 2.0 will arrive once that next set hits :)

Reklawyad 65

@Peacelord you are totally correct in the Jango part. I've been testing things against my Veers/Jango and having some fun with that. I'm really thinking about going back to mono blue... but backup muscle is just soooooooo good.

Cbosox12 44

Yup, I feel the same way. Until they can come out with new cards (or a new blue character with a killer action) this set will have to go on standby. I have been having a lot of luck with r Count Dooku and e General Grievous. Especially if you can get personal escort on Dooku early. Dooku makes and excellent tank with his ability to essentially decrease damage by one with a discard.

SizemattersSWD 1

Awww man, Im just about to build this list. Anyways, Im still gonna build since I already bought all the cards. No turning back now.

Will also be playtesting out the build from `@Reklawyad with Backup Muscle

fakejony 2

too late for a question? Why not Count Dooku besides 2 Nightsister ?

oldredhat 8

@fakejony Because Dooku's 1 point too expensive to run with two night sisters.

fakejony 2

@oldredhat Ty

Ajones47 576

I fought this list last night and it obliterated my previously undefeated Han/eLeia deck. You are to be congratulated, Peacelord. This is an impressively constructed and well executed deck.

Peacelord 1155

Ajones47 Cheers bud! It's a fun deck to play with, harder to play against, but it will only improve with subsequent sets. The question is whether Kylo and 2 Nightsisters will continue to be competitive in any way, and only time will tell!

sozin 1

I love this deck! Been using it for my competitive play, its superfun.

@Peacelord, any thoughts on what you would change about it now that SoR is in? Anger feels super thematic, as does Decisive Blow. I like trying out the Lightsaber Pike in lieu of sabers. Is [Force Throw] and auto-include?(/card/01057). Cheers!

sozin 1

sorry, formatting was thrown off above, @Peacelord ! :-)

Peacelord 1155

Heya Sozin! Force Push I think you mean, and yes it is in this deck!! Pike is great if people go for your sisters first but usually they'll take out Kylo first. Force throw if you have it is great too, an amazing card.

sozin 1

Cool, thank you! What about Force Speed? I got lucky to get 2 of 'em. Any other cards you think are autoinclude from SoR?